Interface changes for the 'Settings>Integration'

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Interface changes for the 'Settings>Integration'

Post by budz45 »


I have made some small layout changes for the Settings>Integration.



One of my main motivation for making this mock-up screenshot of change was that I think the location of the xnview Database file should have a separate setting rather than just assigning it under "Folder used for other files". The Database file (as you know) can get really large and I desire to best keep the Database file in the AppData folder while I simply keep the ini, toolbar settings and other smaller files in program folder :)

Yes the above picture would affect all OS's in a good way and would provide more space in the second tab ('System') for any future per-OS system related settings/stuff.

Another thing: On a newly extracted XnView MP program, if I make an "xnview.ini" in program folder but then it would be nice if the default.keys and got written to the same program folder immediately upon detecting first-run "xnview.ini" (but NOT the Database file in this default operation). This is because the default.keys and should be considered as part of the ini type of settings especially for portable app users like myself - who would download the app, customize the toolbar a little, move app to usb drive, then run app on another Windows system only to sadly discover that their custom toolbar is not present because the settings were written on other computer.

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Re: Interface changes for the 'Settings>Integration'

Post by helmut »

Nice and good draft, budz45. :-)

I've used your draft and have made some minor changes:
What is not so good in the above draft, yet, is the wording of the labels: It is not so clear what the user can control in each tab. I guess the word "save", "store", "storage location for settings" or similar should be used to make things clearer.
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Re: Interface changes for the 'Settings>Integration'

Post by budz45 »

Yes, nice work Helmut on the further suggestive improvements.

Also Helmut in your screenshot the 'XnView Settings' of the circle-ui would be better named 'General Settings' ;IMO.

Right, I also would like to further integrate the features requests of mine from this topic:
Subject: New & improved shell context menu items (for Xnview MP)
...So I integrated those requests in a further mock-up to yours helmut (and removed "settings" tab) :D :

Then I think it would be much better if "Settings" and "File Association" were not as tabs but as there own 'tree' in Settings, like this:
Nicer because users should want to access "Settings" and "File Association" more faster than doing it through a tab.

"Settings" = still remain for all ini, db, 'folder used for other files' configurations
"Associations" = Future file associations for XnView MP (a cross-platform solution for Mac OSX/Windows/Linux).


:mrgreen: :D
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Re: Interface changes for the 'Settings>Integration'

Post by xnview »

Please check XnViewMP 0.48