Ximagic Adobe Plugins (Denoiser, quantizer, etc)

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Ximagic Adobe Plugins (Denoiser, quantizer, etc)

Post by eL_PuSHeR »


I wonder if any moderator would be so kind to merge and/or delete all other threads regarding Ximagic adobe compatible plugins and post all relevant news here.

I will start.

Ximagic Photoshop Plugins toolbox are a set of very nice Photoshop compatible plugins that are aimed to do a great job in Denoising images as well as quantify colours and or create halftones. They are free and are done by Blas Rodríguez.


Current version: 4.2.0

Ximagic Denoiser is a Photoshop plugin for image noise reduction.

It provides seven different methods for noise reduction

Median (Std/Center Weighted)
Gauss (Std/Bilateral)
DWT (Overcomplete Wavelets)
CWT (Complex wavelets)
DCT (Discrete cosine)
NLM (Non Local Means)
Non-linear (anisotropic) diffusion (Curvature & Gradient)

Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions

Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...

v 4.2.0 28-Feb-2012

Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in PS
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Wrong output in "show processing time"
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.


Current version: 3.2.0

Ximagic Quantizer is a Photoshop plugin for image color quantization (color reduction) & dithering.


10 color quantization methods.
Xiaolin Wu v2
Dennis lee v3
Binary Split
Lloyd (K-Means)
2 error diffusion dither methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)

Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions

Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...

v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012

Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.


Current version: 3.2.0

Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering. As a particular case could produce B/W bitmap images (2-level grayscale)


Automatic conversion RGB color to grayscale using Y in YCbCr color space
4 threshold dithering methods.
17 Ordered patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
5 Ordered calculated patterns.
User defined
2 error dithering methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Direct binary search (DBS) dithering.

Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions

Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...

v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012

Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.


Current version: 3.2.0

Ximagic ColorDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level per-channel gray using dithering.


4 threshold dithering methods.
17 Ordered patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
5 Ordered calculated patterns.
User defined
2 error dithering methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)

Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions

Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...

v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012

Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.
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Re: Ximagic Adobe Plugins (Denoiser, quantizer, etc)

Post by XnTriq »

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Re: Ximagic Adobe Plugins (Denoiser, quantizer, etc)

Post by Drahken »

Um... What's the story with "color dither"? *confused* Isn't that the same functionality that's already provided in the color quantizer one?

Also, there's a minor interface issue with the current version of your plugins. You have some dark titlebars with white text on them. The problem is that the color of the text is permanent while the background color is not. What do I mean? I mean that the background color of those headers gets changed by custom OS colors while the text doesn't. In my case, this leaves white text on white backgrounds, making them completely unreadable. I'm using the 32-bit plugin, on win XP.

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Re: Ximagic Adobe Plugins (Denoiser, quantizer, etc)

Post by XnTriq »

Beissmich (EFB » [url=http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.essential-freebies.de/board/viewtopic.php?p=125795#p125795]Sammelthread Grafik-Plugins[/url]) wrote:Die Plugins von ximagic sind nun Shareware. Hat noch jemand eine der letzten Freewareversionen?

Denoiser 4.6.5 03-Sep-2012
GrayDither 3.6.5 03-Sep-2012
Quantizer 3.6.5 03-Sep-2012
ColorDither 3.6.5 03-Sep-2012