MP Request - Add custom items into Interface toolbar setting

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MP Request - Add custom items into Interface toolbar setting

Post by oops66 »

I would like to add some custom command-icon into the MP toolbar (as: custom 1 to 5 in thumbnail\labels)
(Settings\Interface\Toolbar ... add (about 5) customs items to allow customs scripts or commands via the toolbar)

For example, to assign a command line to a custom icon (for screentshot+select area+nconvert+view+OCR):

Code: Select all

import c.png && nconvert -out png -o c2.png -autocontrast -autolevels -eedge 40 -sharpen 30 -grey 8 -resize 3200 0 -ratio c.png && display c2.png && tesseract c2.png c2 -l fra  && rm c.png c2.png && geany c2.txt && rm c2.txt
Or to find corrupted .jpg files and generate a txt list to correct them, etc...

Code: Select all

find /home/custom1 -iname "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 jpeginfo -c -i -v | awk -F\  ' ($0 ~ /ERROR/) || ($0 ~ /WARNING/) {print "nconvert -q 100 -keepfiledate -keepcspace -keep_icc -out jpeg -o " "\"" $1"_jpeginfo-corrected.jpg" "\"" " " "\""$1 "\""}' | tee fic_jpeginfo-errors.txt
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