Then why if ClipboardNewMethod=1 copying to clipboard may produce CF_DIB with NULL handle?
MSDN, Syntesized Clipboard Formats wrote:The system implicitly converts data between certain clipboard formats: if a window requests data in a format that is not on the clipboard, the system converts an available format to the requested format. The system can convert data as indicated in the following table.
And from the table you can see that system must be capable of converting CF_DIB to CF_DIBV5 and vice versa. But with ClipboardNewMethod=1 it can't for some reason.
And it's even more strange that InsideClipboard always shows NULL for CF_DIB made from logo.png only in Windows XP SP3.
You can't paste such clipboard into HeliosPaint because it errors " system clipboard data unavailable". GIMP says such clipboard is empty too (even though there is CF_DIBV5). While if it was nontransparent jpeg copied, then pasting works. Looks like some troubles with transparency implementation.
In 2K SP4 InsideClipboard shows Memory and valid size for CF_DIB, but pasting either crashes applications or is pasted black rectangle.
[after more experiments deleted part of my post]
Well, it appears some apps are buggy, some can't handle alpha channel in any other way but replace it with color, some can import CF_DIBV5 if CF_DIB is not available (like XnView and Pixelformer), some report errors (like HeliosPaint and GIMP). But better fix this NULL handle.