Windows XP - Entry Point not found

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Windows XP - Entry Point not found

Post by MarkUK »

I have just updated to version 0.86 and am getting an error message when I try to open.

The procedure entry point GetUserPreferredUILanguages could not be located in the dynamic link library Kernel32.dll and XnView will not open.

Tried a complete uninstall and reinstalled but still cannot open. Any ideas?
I am using XP professional SP3... not had any problems before and have been using for many years.
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Re: Entry Point not found

Post by cday »

This previous post may be relevant:

XnView MP on Windows XP: InitializeCriticalSectionEx

... however, I believe that Support for Windows XP was recently discontinued (for, ultimately, a good reason...) so a slightly earlier version of 'MP may be the last version you can use... :(
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Re: Entry Point not found

Post by MarkUK »

cday wrote: ... however, I believe that Support for Windows XP was recently discontinued (for, ultimately, a good reason...) so a slightly earlier version of 'MP may be the last version you can use... :(
Thanks.. Been there and not really helpful. Have reverted to XnView at the moment but I should have the previous version hidden away somewhere and will try that. At the moment I am sticking with XP until I have the time to build myself a new pc... professional version and, despite what is said, Microsoft are still releasing regualar security updates.

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Windows XP - Entry Point not found

Post by RxoJHYsDZT »

MarkUK wrote:I have just updated to version 0.86 and am getting an error message when I try to open.

The procedure entry point GetUserPreferredUILanguages could not be located in the dynamic link library Kernel32.dll and XnView will not open.
I have the same problem.
Would you please fix it?

Do not suggest installing a damn Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10!!!

Thank you.
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Re: Windows XP - Entry Point not found

Post by bdragon »

I understand people still cling on XP for very good and undertandable reasons (like having to redesign industrial robot software or because you live in a country where the only windows version sold is crippled or because you live in a country where getting the latest windows version costs as much as a month and an half if not two of decent work).


...If you cling to XP just because "i like it better"... It is time to move on. It is highly unsafe to keep XP and it becomes unsafer by the minute as more and more internet security companies leave it.
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Re: Entry Point not found

Post by cday »

cday wrote:Support for Windows XP and Vista was recently discontinued (for, ultimately, a good reason...) so a slightly earlier version of 'MP will be the last version you can use... :(
You can download previous versions from this link. :D

It would be helpful if you could confirm which version was the last to run on XP :?:
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Re: Windows XP - Entry Point not found

Post by adriespo »

cday wrote:It would be helpful if you could confirm which version was the last to run on XP :?:
I use XnViewMP Version 0.84 x32 (Jan 12 2017) on XP Pro 2002 SP3. Note that this version still get an error a the start up using the function InitializeCriticalSectionEx of the file kernel32.dll but it does not crash... It continues and run very well.
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Re: Windows XP - Entry Point not found

Post by jugulator »

Using XnViewMP v0.84 x32 on XP Pro 2002 SP3 works fine. (Last version that works on WinXP)

To prevent the "Entry Point no found..." warning at program startup, delete or rename webp.dll in the plugins directory (I just renamed it to webp.dll-disabled).

To regain some of that format functionality using an older XP compatible version of the dll (that doesn't fully support current WEBP formats), download an older version of the dll, extract it from the zip archive, and put it in the plugins directory. (I don't use or need WEBP, so am fine with this workaround)

See this thread: viewtopic.php?t=32900