0.90: Slideshow order is not being restored on opening an .sld

Older bugs which are supposed to be fixed in 0.84. *** Please try to reproduce your bug and confirm the bug fix. ***

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0.90: Slideshow order is not being restored on opening an .sld

Post by Steinbam »

XnView: MP 0.90 - 64 bit
OS: Windows - 64bit

Opening an .sld file that contains a slideshow with a specific order of the images does not restore that order.

Effect: Images of the slideshow appear in wrong order.

To reproduce:
1. Start a new slideshow
2. Add a couple of images
3. Create an individual order by rearranging the images
4. Save the slideshow to a file
5. Close the dialog
6. Go back to the slidshow-dialog and open the file

Actual behaviour (bug): The images are arranged in alphabetical order
Expected behaviour: The individual order should be restored

Hint: The content of the sld-File is correct, which means that the individual order is saved to the file just as expected. The problem seems to be at the opening process...
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Re: 0.90: Slideshow order is not being restored on opening an .sld

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.
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Re: 0.90: Slideshow order is not being restored on opening an .sld

Post by xnview »

This problem is supposed to be fixed in XnView MP 0.91. Please check and confirm the bug fix here.