OS: Windows 10 1809 (10.0.17763.503) 64bit
I unzipped XnViewMP, started and confirmed that settings > interface > shortcuts contain
- browser mode > compare has shortcut Shift+C
- browser mode > fullscreen has shortcut F11
- viewer mode > browse has shortcut Ctrl+B
- viewer mode > curves has shortcut Shift+C
- In the thumbail list, I selected 2 images, pressed Shift+C and compare opened, i.e. shortcuts for browse mode apply.
- In the thumbail list, I selected 1 image, pressed F11 and fullscreen opened, then pressed Shift+C and curves opened, i.e. shortcuts for view mode apply. I switched do another image by page down, but pressing Ctrl+B did not lead to thumbail list / browse view
Workaround: It worked with Esc.
- In the thumbail list, I selected 1 image, pressed enter and the image is opened (not fullscreen but big), then pressed Shift+C and curves opened, i.e. shortcuts for view mode apply. I switched do another image by page down and pressing Ctrl+B did lead to thumbail list / browse view.
- Like #3 but after switching to another image, I press F11 so I am in same fullscreen like in #2 but CTRL+B works like in #3
Similar behavior for F12 - in #1, #3 and #4 the settings are opened, in #2 not.
=> nothing severe due to the well feasible workaround, but another example that something is not yet working properly in shortcuts management.