OS: Windows /64bit
linked companion files don't get affected in case the master-file is selected by a filter
companion-files get handled differently than master-file...
- copy: only master-file is affected
- move/delete: only master-file is affected > companion-files remain unused in folder
- rename: only master-file is affected > link of companion-file and master-file is broken
To reproduce:
1. choose a folder containing associated raw, jpg and xmp-files (i.e. having the same filename)
2. in "options">"file-list">"companion-files" choose raw as master-extension and jpg + xmp as companions
2.1 enable "companion-files linked for delete action" and/or "companion-files linked for copy/move/rename" action
2.2 disable "show companion files" (not necessary, but usually part of the problem)
3. in "options">"browser">"metadata" select "update or create xmp sidecar" and "update category to xmp"
as well as "export rating to xmp" and "export colorlabel to xmp"
4. select a file and apply an arbitrary label/rating/category
5. use the "categories-filter" to locate the file
6. apply a delete/move/copy/rename action to the file
Actual behaviour (bug):
only the master-file is affected by the delete/move/copy/rename action

Expected behaviour:
the master-file and it's associated companion-files are affected equally