I wonder if someone can help me with this. Annoying problem with ICC profiles and Facebook and Mozilla and XnViewMP. Or at least with someone mentioned. Who knows. But I am sooo desperate.
Let me explain.
I use Win10 and I calibrated my monitor, so the colors are correct. Then I saved my ICC profile and made it default in windows. Everything as it should be.
I edit photos with LR or Photoshop. All have sRGB workspace, so edited images are exporter with sRGB profile.
Then I use XnViewMP for final converting to smaller files. Until yesterday everything worked OK and photos had the right colors even if I upload them to Facebook. But today something changed. When I upload photo to Facebook, colors are suddenly changed. They look dull, reduced colors. But few days ago everything was OK. The only thing I changed, was updating XnViewMP to last version.
Did something changed there? (which I doubt)
Here is the difference in image color, after uploaded to FB:

The top one is more saturated, which is correct. Bottom one is dull, and not correct colors. Not a perfect example, but in other photos (i can't show them, privacy n' stuff) it is more visible.
So, let me explain my procedure to create photos. After photo is finished in LR or PS, it is time to go to XnViewMP.
In there, I have this settings under ICC settings:

So, when I have my images in a directory, I make smaller ones, for web, with Batch/Convert option. My settings for metadata are like this:

And under the output tab, I have this settings:

And also, under the same tab, but under "Write settings" (Format) I have these settings:

I was doing like this all the time and everything worked fine. Until today. As I mentioned, I did not change anything. Yesterday I uploaded to FB and the same images that today are wrong colors, yesterday were OK.
I thought that maybe Mozilla is out of date, so I updated to latest version, but it is the same. When image arrives to FB, colors are changed.
I checked also Mozilla gfx.color management settings, and everything looks the same and OK:

What is very strange here is, that if I upload the same images via my iphone, everything works normal. But I can't upload every image via phone.
If I upload via Chrome, posted image also looks normal after I check it through Mozilla. Really strange. As if something Mozilla would do to the files. But again, I did not change anything during the night.
Did maybe Facebook desktop changed something in their system?
Oh and even if I check final resized photos, sRGB profile is mentioned there. So, not sure what is causing problems.
Now I don't know what to do. Maybe I am using some settings for color profiles wrong and I can't notice it. Is someone here that can take a look at my screenshots and see if I overlooked something?
Sorry for long post, but I am really desperate and clueless how to fix this. I hope someone can help me.
Thank you.