Code: Select all
** NCONVERT v7.121 (c) 1991-2022 Pierre-E Gougelet (Sep 6 2022/10:41:00) **
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
The JPEG code is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
The PNG code is based in part on the work of the Group 42, Inc.
This software is based in part on compression library of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
Usage : nconvert [options] file ...
Options :
-quiet : Quiet mode
-info : Display informations only
-fullinfo : Display informations & metadata only
-v[.] : Verbose
-in format : Input format number or -1
-page num : Page/image number
-xall : Extract all images
-multi : Create a multi-page (TIFF/DCX/LDF/PDF only)
-npcd num : PCD 0:192x128, 1:384x256, 2:768x512 (default)
-ngrb npic : HP-48 number of grey : 1, 2 or 4 (default : 1)
-no# : # not used for numeric operator
-noholder : disable placeholder such as $
-org_depth : Load with original depth
-older n : Convert only if older than n days
-clipboard : Import from clipboard
-greater_than type value : Process only if arg is greater than value: Overwrite existing file
-less_than type value : Process only if arg is less than value
type : height(px) width(px) filesize(bytes)
-overwrite : Overwrite existing file
-ignore_errors : Ignore errors
-no_auto_ext : Don't add extension to output filename
-ctype type : Channel Type (Raw)
grey : Greyscale (default)
rgb : Red,Green,Blue
bgr : Blue,Green,Red
rgba : Red,Green,Blue,Alpha
abgr : Alpha,Blue,Green,Red
cmy : Cyan,Magenta,Yellow
cmyk : Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black
-corder order : Channel Order (Raw)
inter : Interleaved (default)
seq : Sequential
sep : Separate
-size geometry : Width and height (Raw/YUV)
Geometry is widthxheight+offset
-l file : Use file as filelist
-n start end step : Begin End Step (for image sequence)
-t start step : Begin Step (for # in output filename)
-o filename : Output filename
Use # to specify position of numeric enumerator
Use % to specify source filename
Use $ to specify full source pathname
Use $$ to specify source folder name
Use $EXIF:DateModified[date format] to specify EXIF date modified
Use $EXIF:DateTaken[date format] to specify EXIF date taken
Date format: Please check documentation of strftime
-out format : Output format name
-D : Delete original picture
-c value : Compression number
default : 0 (uncompressed)
PDF : 1 (Fax), 2 (Rle), 3 (LZW), 4(ZIP), 5 (JPEG)
TIFF : 1 (Rle), 2 (LZW), 3 (LZW+Prediction)
4 (ZLIB)
5 (CCITT G3), 6 (CCITT G3-2D), 7 (CCITT G4) only B/W
8 (JPEG) only 24/32 bits
TARGA, Softimage, SGI, PCX, IFF, BMP : 1 (Rle)
-c_bw value : Compression number for black&white picture (default : 0)
-c_grey value : Compression number for greyscale picture (default : 0)
-c_rgb value : Compression number for color picture (default : 0)
-q value : JPEG/FPX/WIC/PDF/JPEG2K/WebP quality (default : 85)
-use_org_quality : JPEG when possible
-clevel value : PNG Compression level (default : 6)
-i : Interlaced GIF / Progressive JPEG
-icc : Use ICC Profile
-keep_icc : Keep ICC Profile from original file
-icc_in filename : Input color profile
-icc_out filename : Output color profile
-icc_intent value : Intent value
-icc_bcp : Black point compensation
-icc_ie : Ignore embedded ICC profile
-add_alpha value : Add alpha channel (24bits)
-merge_alpha : Merge alpha by using 'transparent color' (32bits)
-set_alpha : Add alpha by using 'transparent color' (32bits)
-transparent value: Transparency index (GIF/PNG)
-transpcolor red green blue: Transparency color (GIF/PNG)
-opthuff : Optimize Huffman Table (JPEG)
-dct value : DCT method
0 : Slow
1 : Fast
2 : Float
-smoothingf value : Smoothing factor (0-10)
-subsampling value : Subsampling factor
0 : 2x2,1x1,1x1
1 : 2x1,1x1,1x1
2 : 1x1,1x1,1x1
-comp_ratio value: Compress ratio (JPEG2K)
-max_filesize value: Maximum filesize kb (JPEG2K)
-bgcolor red green blue: Background color (for rotate/canvas)
-bgcolor2 red green blue alpha: Background color (for rotate/canvas)
-dpi res_dpi : Set the resolution in DPI
-keepdocsize : Resize bitmap function of the old and new DPI value
-keepfiledate : Keep original file data/time
-keepcspace : Keep original color space if possible
-cmyk_space : Convert if possible in CMYK space
-jpegtrans op : JPEG lossless transformations
rot90 : Rotate 90 degrees
rot180 : Rotate 180 degrees
rot270 : Rotate 270 degrees
exif : Use orientation EXIF tag
vflip : Flip vertical
hflip : Flip horizontal
-jpegcrop x y w h : JPEG lossless crop
-clean value : JPEG Clean Metadata (EXIF/IPTC/...)
1 : Comment
2 : EXIF
4 : XMP
8 : EXIF thumbnail
16 : IPTC
32 : ICC Profile
64 : Other markers
-rmeta : Remove Metadata (EXIF/IPTC/...)
-rexifthumb : Remove EXIF thumbnail
-buildexifthumb : Try to rebuild EXIF thumbnail
-exif_orient value : Set EXIF orientation value
1 = Horizontal
2 = Mirror horizontal
3 = Rotate 180
4 = Mirror vertical
5 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
6 = Rotate 90 CW
7 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
8 = Rotate 270 CW
-iptc_print tag : Print IPTC tag value
-iptc_clear tag : Erase IPTC tag
-iptc_set tag value : Set value to IPTC tag
-iptc_add tag value : Add value to IPTC tag
-thumb width height : Extract thumbnail
-use_cie : Use CIE Colors (PS/EPS/PDF ghostscript)
-wflag flag : Write flag
os2 : Write OS/2 bmp
gif87 : Write GIF87a
hp49 : Write HP49
-half_res : Load half resolution (Camera RAW)
-embedded_jpeg : Load embedded jpeg (Camera RAW)
-ascii : Ascii (PPM)
-one_strip : One strip (TIFF)
-jxr_color value : JpegXR color format (yuv444, yuv422, yuv420)
-jxr_filter value : JpegXR block filtering
0: off, 1: HP, 2:all
-avif_format value : AVIF format (0:444, 1:422, 2:420)
-avif_speed value : AVIF speed (0-10)
-avif_quant_color lossless min max : AVIF Quantization for color (lossless=0/1, min-max=0/63)
-avif_quant_alpha lossless min max : AVIF Quantization for alpha (lossless=0/1, min-max=0/63)
-gam value : Gamma (EXR, HDRI), default=1.0
-raw_autobalance : Auto balance (Camera RAW)
-raw_camerabalance : Camera balance (Camera RAW)
-raw_autobright : Auto brightness (Camera RAW)
-raw_gamma value : Gamma (Camera RAW), default=0.6
-raw_brightness value : Brighness (Camera RAW), default=0.8
-raw_redscale value : Red scaling (Camera RAW)
-raw_bluescale value : Blue scaling (Camera RAW)
-ilut file : Input LUT file (DPX/Cineon)
-olut file : Output LUT file (DPX/Cineon)
-wmfile file : Watermark file (Must be after other -wm commands)
-wmpos x y : Watermark position
-wmflag flag : Watermark position
top-left, top-center, top-right
center-left, center, center-right
bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right
-wmopacity value : Watermark opacity (0-100)
-wmstretch : Stretch image
-wmsize value : Percent for watermark
Process :
-32bits : Convert in 32bits
-average size : Average (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-autocrop tol r g b : Auto Crop
-autocrop tol pos : Auto Crop
top-left, top-right
bottom-left, bottom-right
-autocontrast : Auto Contrast
-autodeskew r g b : Auto Deskew
-autolevels : Auto Levels
-balance r g b : Color balance
-binary dither : Convert in Binary
pattern : Ordered pattern
floyd : Floyd steinberg
halft45 : Halftone 45
halft90 : Halftone 90
nodither : No dithering
-blur percent : Blur (1...100)
-brightness value : Modify brightness (-100...100)
-canvas w h pos : Resize canvas
w h can be percent (ex: -canvas 100% 200%)
w h can be cm (ex: -canvas 100cm 200cm)
w h can be mm (ex: -canvas 100mm 200mm)
w h can be inches (ex: -canvas 100i 200i)
or #x #y for offset
pos top-left, top-center, top-right
center-left, center, center-right
bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right
-canvas longest size pos : Scale longest side
-canvas shortest size pos : Scale shortest side
-conbright value : Modify brightness (-100...100)
-colours num
-colors num : Convert in Indexed Colors (256, 216, 128, 64, 32, 16 or 8)
-compare filename method : Compare with this image, method (red, red_only)
-contrast value : Modify contrast (-100...100)
-crop x y w h : Crop
-dither : Use Bayer dithering for conversion (Colors and Grey only)
-deinter k n : De-interlace
k : even or odd
n : dup or int
-edetail : Enhance detail
-eedge percent : Enhance edges (1...100)
-edgedetect type : Edge detect
-efocus : Enhance focus
-emboss : Emboss
-embossmore : Emboss more
-equalize : Equalize
-exposure value : Exposure
-floyd : Use floydSteinberg dithering for conversion (Colors and Grey only)
-frestore : Focus restoration
-gamma value : Modify gamma (0.01<->5.0
-gammasat value : Modify gamma (0.01<->5.0
-gauss size : Blur gaussian (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-grey num : Convert in Grey Scale (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8 or 4)
-colorize h l s : Colorize Hue Lightness Saturation
-hls h l s : Adjust Hue Lightness Saturation
-lens percent : Lens (1...100)
-levels b w : Levels
-levels2 in_low in_high gamma out_low out_high : Levels
-log : Apply logarithmic correction
-maximum size : Maximum filter (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-medianb size : Median Box filter (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-medianc size : Median Cross filter (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-minimum size : Minimum filter (3,5,7,9,11,13)
-mosaic size : Mosaic (1...64)
-negate : Negate
-new bpp w h : Create new bitmap
-noise reduce : Reduce noise
-noise type value
uniform : Add uniform noise
gaussian : Add gaussian noise
laplacian : Add laplacian noise
poisson : Add poisson noise
-normalize : Normalize
-oil size : Oilify (1...16)
-posterize count : Posterize (2...256)
-ratio : Keep the aspect ratio for scaling
-replace r g b r g b : Replace color
-replace_ex r g b r g b tolerance : Replace color
-rtype : Type of resampling
quick : Quick resize
linear : Bi-linear (linear)
hermite : Hermite
gaussian : Gaussian
bell : Bell
bspline : Bspline
mitchell : Mitchell
hanning : Hanning
lanczos : Lanczos
lanczos2 : Lanczos2
-rflag : Flag for resizing
incr : Increase only
decr : Decrease only
orient : Follow orientation
-resize w h : Scale width-height
w h can be percent (ex: -resize 100% 200%)
w h can be cm (ex: -resize 100cm 200cm)
w h can be mm (ex: -resize 100mm 200mm)
w h can be inches (ex: -resize 100i 200i)
-resize fill w h : Scale by filling the box wxh
-resize longest size : Scale longest side
-resize shortest size : Scale shortest side
-resize dpi value : Scale to DPI
-rotate_flag : Rotate flags
smooth : Use smooth rotate
-rotate degrees : Rotate
-saturation red green blue cyan magenta yellow : Saturation (-100...100)
-sepia percent : Sepia
-sharpen percent : Sharpen (1...100)
-shear : Shear
-slice : Slice
-soften percent : Soften (1...100)
-solarize value : Solarize (1...255)
-spread amount : Spread (1...32)
-swap type : Swap component
rbg : RGB->RBG
bgr : RGB->BGR
brg : RGB->BRG
grb : RGB->GRB
gbr : RGB->GBR
-swirl degrees : Swirl (1...360)
-temperature value : Temperature (-100...100)
-text string : Add a text
-text_font name size : Font name and size (pixels)
size in pixels or % of height (ex: 40 or 10%)
-text_color r g b : Text color
-text_back r g b : Text background color
-text_flag pos : Position of text
top-left, top-center, top-right
center-left, center, center-right
bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right
-text_pos x y : Position or offset
-text_rotation degrees : Rotation
-text_border size red green blue : Add a border
-tile size : Tile (1...64)
-truecolours : Convert in True Colors
-xflip : Flip horizontal
-yflip : Flip vertical
-unsharp radius amount threshold : Unsharp mask
-waves wavelength phase amount : Waves
wavelength : (1.0 50.0)
phase : (0.0 360.0)
amount : (0.0 100.0)
Available format:
Name Write Description
-1 : Automatic (Only for input)
[* ] : JFIF based file
[2bp ] : Pocket PC Bitmap
[2d ] : Amapi
[3fr ] : Hasselblad RAW
[411 ] : Mavica
[a64 ] : Artist 64
[abmp ] : Alpha Microsystems BMP
[abr ] : PS Brush
[abs ] : Optocat
[acc ] : Access
[ace ] : ACE texture
[aces ] : Aces200
[acorn ] : Acorn Sprite
[adex ] : ADEX
[adt ] : AdTech perfectfax
[afdesign—] : Affinity designer
[afphoto ] : Affinity photo
[afpub ] : Affinity publisher
[afx ] : Auto F/X
[ai ] : Adobe Illustrator
[aim ] : AIM Grey Scale
[aip ] : Starlight Xpress SX 500x291 RAW
[aipd ] : AIPD image
[alias ] * : Alias Image File
[ami ] : Amica Paint
[ani ] : Windows Animated Cursor
[anv ] : AirNav
[aphp ] : Adobe PhotoParade (images)
[apx ] : Ability Photopaint Image
[arcib ] * : ArcInfo Binary
[arf ] : ARF
[arn ] : Astronomical Research Network
[art ] : Artisan
[artdir ] : Art Director
[arw ] : Sony RAW
[atk ] : Andrew Toolkit raster object
[att ] : AT&T Group 4
[aurora ] : Aurora
[avs ] : Stardent AVS X
[avw ] : Analyze
[az7 ] : Analyze-7
[b16 ] : PCO
[b3d ] : B3D (images)
[bdr ] : Brender
[bfli ] : BFLI
[bfx ] : Bfx Bitware
[bga ] : Os/2 Warp
[bias ] : BIAS FringeProcessor
[bif ] : byLight
[biorad ] * : Bio-Rad confocal
[bip ] : Character Studio (thumbnail)
[bld ] : MegaPaint
[blend ] : Blender thumbnail
[blp ] : BLP textures
[bmc ] : Embroidery
[bmg ] : Bert's Coloring
[bmp ] * : Windows Bitmap
[bmp565 ] * : Windows Bitmap RGB565
[bms ] : Playback Bitmap Sequence
[bmx ] : Siemens Mobile
[bob ] : Bob Raytracer
[bpr ] : AAA logo
[brk ] : Brooktrout 301
[bsg ] : Fontasy Grafik
[btn ] : JustButtons animated bitmap
[bum ] : Poser Bump
[byusir ] : BYU SIR
[c4 ] : Edmics
[cadc ] : Autocad CAD-Camera
[cals ] : CALS Raster
[cam ] : Casio QV-10/100 Camera
[can ] : Canon Navigator Fax
[car ] : NeoBook Cartoon
[cart ] : Crayola
[cat ] : Photomatrix
[cbmf ] : Corel Flow (preview)
[cdr ] : Corel Draw Bitmap (preview)
[cdu ] : CDU Paint
[ce ] : Computer Eyes, Digital Vision
[ce1 ] : ComputerEyes Raw
[cel ] : Kiss Cel
[cft ] : Optigraphics
[cgm ] : CGM
[che ] : Cheese
[cin ] * : Kodak Cineon
[cip ] : Cisco IP Phone
[ciph ] : InterPaint (Hires)
[cipt ] : InterPaint (Multicolor)
[cish ] : Image System (Hires)
[cism ] : Image System (Multicolor)
[cloe ] : Cloe Ray-Tracer
[clp ] : Windows Clipboard
[cmt ] : Chinon ES-1000 digital camera
[cmu ] : CMU Window Manager
[cmx ] : Corel Metafile Exchange (preview)
[cncd ] : CoverDesigner (images)
[cnct ] : CoverDesigner Template (images)
[cp8 ] : CP8 256 Gray Scale
[cpa ] : Prism
[cpat ] : Corel Draw Pattern (preview)
[cpc ] : Amstrad Cpc Screen
[cpt ] : Corel PhotoPaint 6.0
[cr2 ] : Canon EOS-1D Mark II RAW
[craw ] : Camera RAW
[crd ] : PowerCard maker
[crg ] : Calamus
[crw ] : Canon PowerShot
[csv ] * : CSV
[ct ] : Iris CT
[cur ] : Windows Cursor
[cut ] : Dr Halo
[cvp ] : Portrait
[cwg ] : CreateWithGarfield
[d3d ] : TopDesign Thumbnail
[dali ] : Dali Raw
[dbw ] : DBW Render
[dcmp ] : Discorp CMP Image
[dcpy ] : Datacopy
[dcr ] : Kodak Pro Digital RAW
[dcx ] * : Zsoft Multi-page Paintbrush
[dd ] : Doodle C64
[dds ] * : Direct Draw Surface
[degas ] * : Degas & Degas Elite
[dib ] : Windows DIB
[dicom ] : Dicom
[dkb ] * : DKB Ray-Tracer
[dng ] : DNG
[dol ] : DolphinEd
[doodle ] : Doodle Atari
[dpx ] * : DPX
[drz ] : Draz Paint
[dsi ] : CImage
[dta ] : Zeiss BIVAS
[dwg ] : AutoCAD DWG
[dwg ] : DWG preview
[ecc ] : Ecchi
[efx ] : Everex Everfax
[eidi ] : Electric Image
[eif ] : Eroiica
[emf ] * : Windows Enhanced Metafile
[emz ] : Windows Comp. Enhanced Metafile
[epa ] : Award Bios Logo
[epi ] : EPS Interchange Format
[eps ] : Encapsulated Postscript
[epsp ] : Encapsulated Postscript(Preview)
[erf ] : Epson RAW
[esm ] : Enhance Simplex
[esmp ] : ESM Software Pix
[eyes ] : Microtek Eyestar
[f96 ] : Fremont Fax96
[face ] : Usenix FaceServer
[fax ] : Fax Group 3
[fbm ] : Fuzzy bitmap
[fcx ] : Faxable PCX
[fff ] : Maggi Hairstyles & Cosmetics
[fff ] : Imacon/Hasselblad RAW
[ffpg ] : Fenix Multi Map
[fgs ] : Fun Graphics Machine Hires
[fi ] : Flash Image
[fit ] : FIT
[fits ] * : Flexible Image Transport System
[fli ] : Autodesk Animator
[fmag ] : FileMagic
[fmap ] : Fenix Map
[fmf ] : Fax man
[fp2 ] : Fun Painter II
[fpg ] : DIV Game Studio Multi Map
[fpr ] : Fun Photor
[fpt ] : Face Painter
[fre ] : Male Normal CT
[frm ] : PhotoFrame
[frm2 ] : Album bébé
[fsh ] : EA Sports FSH
[fsy ] : PhotoFantasy Image
[ftf ] : Faxable TIFF
[fx3 ] : Fugawi Map
[fxs ] : WinFAX
[g16 ] : GRS16
[g3n ] : Imaging Fax
[gaf ] : Total Annihilation
[gbr ] * : Gimp Brush
[gcd ] : Gigacad (Hires)
[gem ] : Digital Research (GEM Paint)
[geo ] : GeoPaint
[gfaray ] : Gfa Raytrace
[gg ] : Koala Paint (Compressed)
[gicon ] : Gimp Icon
[gif ] * : CompuServe GIF
[gig ] : GigaPaint Multi
[gih ] : GigaPaint Hi-res
[gm ] : Autologic
[gmf ] : Gamma Fax
[god ] : GoDot
[gpat ] * : Gimp Pattern
[gpb ] : Sharp GPB
[grob ] * : HP-48/49 GROB
[gun ] : GunPaint
[hdri ] : HDRI
[hdru ] : Apollo HDRU
[hed ] : Hi-Eddi
[hf ] : HF
[hir ] : Hires C64
[hpgl ] : HPGL-2
[hpi ] : Hemera Photo Image
[hr ] : TRS 80
[hru ] * : HRU
[hrz ] : Slow Scan Television
[hsi ] : HSI Raw
[hta ] : Hemera Thumbs
[iam ] : Inventor Assembly thumbnail
[icb ] : Image Capture Board
[icd ] : Core IDC
[icl ] : Icon Library
[icn ] : AT&T multigen
[icns ] : Mac icon
[ico ] * : Windows Icon
[icon ] : Sun Icon/Cursor
[iff ] * : Amiga IFF
[ifx ] : IcoFX
[iim ] : Inshape
[iimg ] : Interleaf
[ilab ] : ImageLab
[im5 ] : IM5 (Visilog)
[img ] : Img Software Set
[imgt ] : Imaging Technology
[imi ] : TMSat image
[imt ] : IMNET Image
[indd ] : InDesign thumbnail
[info ] : Amiga icon
[ingr ] : Intergraph Format
[insp ] : Insta 360
[ioca ] : IOCA
[ipg ] : Mindjongg Format
[ipl ] : IPLab
[ipl2 ] : IPLab
[ipn ] : Inventor Presentation thumbnail
[ipseq ] : ImagePro Sequence
[ipt ] : Inventor Fusion thumbnail
[iris ] : Iris Graphics
[ish ] : Image Speeder
[iss ] : ISS
[j6i ] : Ricoh Digital Camera
[jbf ] : PaintShopPro Browser Cache File
[jbr ] : PaintShopPro Brush
[jif ] * : Jeff's Image Format
[jig ] : Jigsaw
[jig2 ] : Weekly Puzzle
[jj ] : Doodle C64 (Compressed)
[jls ] : Jpeg-LS
[jpeg ] * : JPEG / JFIF
[jps ] : Stereo Image
[jtf ] : Hayes JTFax
[jxr ] * : JPEG XR
[k25 ] : Kodak DC25 Camera
[k25b ] : Kodak DC25 Camera
[kdc ] : Kodak DC120 Digital Camera
[kdc2 ] : Kodak DC120 Digital Camera
[kfx ] : Kofax Group 4
[kntr ] : KONTRON
[koa ] : Koala Paint
[kps ] : IBM Kips
[kqp ] : Konica Camera File
[kro ] * : Kolor Raw Format
[kskn ] : KinuPix Skin
[lbm ] : Deluxe Paint, Electronic Arts
[lcel ] : Lumena CEL
[lda ] : LaserData
[lff ] : LucasFilm Format
[lif ] : Homeworld Texture
[lsm ] : Zeiss LSM
[lss ] : LSS16
[lvp ] : LView Pro
[lwi ] : Light Work Image
[m8 ] : Heretic II MipMap
[mac ] : Mac Paint
[mag ] : MAKIchan Graphics
[map ] : DIV Game Studio Map
[mbig ] : Cartes Michelin
[mcl ] : Mystic Color Labs
[mdl ] : Half-Life Model
[mef ] : Mamiya RAW
[mfrm ] : Megalux Frame
[mgr ] : MGR bitmap
[mh ] : Teli Fax
[miff ] * : Image Magick file
[mil ] : Micro Illustrator Uncompressed
[mjpg ] : JPEG 8BIM header (Mac)
[mkcf ] : MonkeyCard
[mklg ] : MonkeyLogo
[mng ] : Multiple Network Graphics
[mon ] : Mono Magic
[mos ] : Leaf RAW
[mph ] : MonkeyPhoto
[mpo ] : Multiple Picture
[mrc ] : MRC (Medical Research Council)
[mrf ] : Marks Russel File
[mrw ] : Minolta DiMAGE RAW
[msp ] : Microsoft Paint
[msx2 ] : Msx 2 Screen
[mtv ] * : MTV Ray-Tracer
[mtx ] : Maw-Ware Textures
[ncr ] : NCR Image
[ncy ] : FlashCam frame
[ncy ] : FlashCam Frame
[nef ] : Nikon RAW
[neo ] : Neochrome (ST & TT)
[ngg ] * : Nokia Group Graphics
[nifti ] : Nifti
[nist ] : NIST ihdr
[nitf ] : National Imagery Transmission F.
[nlm ] * : Nokia Logo File
[nol ] * : Nokia Operator Logo
[npm ] : Neopaint Mask
[nrw ] : Nikon RAW
[nsr ] : NewsRoom
[oaz ] : OAZ Fax
[ocp ] : Advanced Art Studio
[of ] : HP-49 OpenFire
[ofx ] : Olicom Fax
[ohir ] : Oric Hires
[oil ] : Open Image Library Format
[ols ] : Olympus Scan
[orf ] : Olympus RAW
[os2 ] : OS/2 Bitmap
[otap ] : Oric TAP
[otb ] * : Nokia OTA bitmap
[p64 ] : Picasso 64
[p7 ] : XV Visual Schnauzer
[pabx ] * : PABX background
[palm ] * : Palm Pilot
[pam ] : Portable Arbitrary Map
[pan ] : SmoothMove Pan Viewer
[patps ] : Photoshop Pattern
[pbm ] * : Portable Bitmap
[pbt ] : Micro Dynamics MARS
[pcd ] : Kodak Photo CD
[pcl ] * : Page Control Language
[pcp ] : Atari grafik
[pcx ] * : Zsoft Publisher's Paintbrush
[pd ] : Male MRI
[pdd ] : Photo Deluxe
[pdf ] * : Portable Document Format
[pds ] : Planetary Data System
[pdx ] : Mayura Draw
[pef ] : Pentax *ist D
[peg ] : Pegasus Imaging
[pegs ] : Pegs
[pfi ] : Photo Filtre Studio
[pfm ] : PFM graphic
[pfs ] : Pfs Art Publisher
[pgc ] : Portfolio Graphics Compressed
[pgf ] : Portfolio Graphics
[pgm ] * : Portable Greyscale
[pi ] : Blazing Paddles
[pic ] : PC Paint / Pictor Page
[pict ] : Macintosh Quickdraw/Pict
[pig ] : Ricoh IS30
[pixi ] : Pixibox
[pixp ] : Pixel Power Collage
[pld ] : PhotoLine (preview)
[pm ] : Print Master
[pm ] : PM
[pmg ] : Paint Magic
[pmp ] : Sony DSC-F1 Cyber-shot
[pmsk ] : PaintShopPro Mask
[png ] * : Portable Network Graphics
[pnm ] * : Portable Image
[pp4 ] : Micrografx Picture Publisher 4.0
[pp5 ] : Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0
[ppm ] * : Portable Pixmap
[ppp ] : Punk Productions Picture
[pps ] : PowerPoint (images)
[ppt ] : PowerPoint Presentation (images)
[prc ] * : Picture Gear Pocket
[prf ] : Polychrome Recursive Format
[prisms ] : Prisms
[prx ] : Printfox/Pagefox
[ps ] * : Postscript
[psa ] : Print Shop
[psb ] : Adobe Photoshop (large)
[psd ] * : Adobe Photoshop
[pseg ] : IBM Printer Page Segment
[psf ] : PhotoStudio File
[psion3 ] * : Psion Series 3 Bitmap
[psion5 ] * : Psion Series 5 Bitmap
[psp ] : PaintShopPro Image
[pspb ] : PaintShopPro Brush
[pspf ] : PaintShopPro Frame
[pspm ] : PaintShopPro Mask
[pspp ] : PaintShopPro Pattern
[pspt ] : PaintShopPro Texture
[ptg ] : Artrage
[pwp ] : Seattle Film Works multi-image
[pxa ] : Pixia
[pxr ] : Pixar picture file
[pzl ] : Puzzle
[pzp ] : MGI Photosuite Project (images)
[q0 ] : Q0
[qcad ] : Autodesk QuickCAD thumbnail
[qdv ] : Qdv (Random Dot Software)
[qoi ] : Quite OK Image Format
[qrt ] * : Qrt Ray-Tracer
[qtif ] : QuickTime Image Format
[rad ] * : Radiance
[raf ] : Fuji S2 RAW
[ras ] : Sun Rasterfile
[raw ] * : Raw
[raw1 ] : Sinar RAW
[raw2 ] : AVT RAW
[raw3 ] : Casio RAW
[raw4 ] : Contax RAW
[raw5 ] : Creative PC-CAM RAW
[raw6 ] : Foculus RAW
[raw7 ] : Leica RAW
[raw8 ] : Micron RAW
[raw9 ] : Panasonic RAW
[rawa ] : RoverShot RAW
[rawb ] : ST Micro RAW
[rawdvr ] : RAW DVR
[rawe ] * : Raw
[ray ] * : Rayshade
[rdc ] : Rollei RAW
[rfa ] : Mobile FAX
[rfax ] : Ricoh Fax
[ript ] : RIPTerm Image
[rix ] : ColoRIX
[rla ] * : Wavefront Raster file
[rlc2 ] : Image Systems RLC2 Graphic
[rle ] : Utah raster image
[rp ] : Rainbow Painter
[rpm ] : RunPaint (Multicolor)
[rsb ] : Red Storm File Format
[rsrc ] : Mac OSX Resource
[rw2 ] : Panasonic LX3 RAW
[rwl ] : Leica RAW
[sar ] : Saracen Paint
[sci ] : SciFax
[sct ] * : SciTex Continuous Tone
[sdg ] : Star Office Gallery
[sdt ] : SmartDraw 6 template
[sfax ] : SmartFax
[sfw ] : Seattle Film Works
[sgi ] * : Silicon Graphics RGB
[sif ] : SIF MICHEL-Soft
[sir ] : Solitaire Image Recorder
[sj1 ] : Sega SJ-1 DIGIO
[skf ] : Autodesk SKETCH thumbnail
[skn ] : Skantek
[skp ] : Autodesk SketchUp component
[smp ] : Xionics SMP
[soft ] * : Softimage
[spc ] : Spectrum 512 (Compressed)
[spot ] : SPOT
[sps ] : Spectrum 512 (Smooshed)
[spu ] : Spectrum 512
[srf ] : Panasonic DMC-LC1 RAW
[srf2 ] : Sony DSC-F828 RAW
[srw ] : Samsung RAW
[ssi ] : SriSun
[ssp ] : Axialis Screensaver (images)
[sst ] : AVHRR Image
[st4 ] : SBIG CCD camera ST-4
[stad ] : Stad
[star ] : Starbase
[stm ] : PhotoStudio Stamp
[stw ] : Neopaint Stamp
[stx ] : SBIG CCD camera ST-X
[svg ] : SVG
[syj ] : Syberia texture
[synu ] : Synthetic Universe
[taac ] : Sun TAAC file
[tdi ] * : Explore (TDI) & Maya
[tdim ] : Digital F/X
[teal ] : TealPaint
[tg4 ] : TG4
[tga ] * : Truevision Targa
[thmb ] : IPod thumb
[ti ] * : TI Bitmap
[tiff ] * : TIFF Revision 6
[til ] : Buttonz & Tilez texture
[tile ] : Eclipse
[tim ] : Sony Playstation TIM
[tim2 ] : Sony PS2 TIM
[tiny ] : Tiny
[tjp ] : TilePic
[tnl ] : Thumbnail
[trup ] : Egg Paint
[tsk ] : Pocket PC Themes (images)
[ttf ] : Optigraphics Tiled
[tub ] : PaintShopPro Picture Tube
[txc ] : PS2 TXC
[uni ] : Brother Fax
[upe4 ] : Ulead Texture (images)
[upi ] : Ulead PhotoImpact
[upst ] : Ulead Pattern
[uyvy ] * : YUV 16Bits
[uyvyi ] * : YUV 16Bits Interleaved
[v ] : VIPS Image
[vda ] : Video Display Adapter
[vfx ] : Venta Fax
[vi ] : Jovian VI
[vicar ] : Vicar
[vid ] : Vidcom 64
[vif ] : Verity
[viff ] : Khoros Visualization Image file
[vista ] * : Vista
[vit ] : VITec
[vivid ] * : Vivid Ray-Tracer
[vob ] : Vue d'esprit
[vort ] : Vort
[vpb ] : Quantel VPB
[wad ] : WAD (Half life)
[wal ] : Quake Texture
[wbc ] : WebShots (images)
[wbmp ] * : Wireless Bitmap (level 0)
[wfx ] : Worldport Fax
[winm ] : WinMIPS
[wmf ] : Windows & Aldus Metafile
[wmz ] : Windows Compressed Metafile
[wpg ] : Word Perfect Graphics (images)
[wrl ] * : VRML2
[wzl ] : Winzle Puzzle
[x3f ] : Sigma RAW
[xar ] : Xara (images)
[xbm ] * : X11 Bitmap
[xcf ] : Gimp Bitmap
[xif ] : Xerox DIFF
[xim ] : Ximage
[xim2 ] : Varian format
[xnf ] : XnView Frame
[xp0 ] : SecretPhotos puzzle
[xpm ] * : X11 Pixmap
[xwd ] : X Windows System dump
[xyz ] : Rm2K XYZ
[yuv411 ] : YUV 4:1:1
[yuv422 ] : YUV 4:2:2
[yuv444 ] : YUV 4:4:4
[zbr ] : Zoner Zebra Metafile (preview)
[zmf ] : Zoner Callisto Metafile (preview)
[zxhob ] : ZX Spectrum Hobetta
[zxscr ] : ZX Spectrum standard screen
[zxsna ] : ZX Spectrum Snapshot
[zzrough ] : ZZ Rough