Windows11 (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Batch convert - watermark
Size group can be improved
- Size
- rework Sizing options- Proportional
▢ Relative to target [width / height]
▢ Repeat (or Tile)
Proportional 100% = same as Normal (original size of watermark)
Proportional 100% + Repeat (Tile) = same as Repeat image
Proportional x% + Relative to target (width) = same as Percentage (width) x%
- Fit
to auto-fit watermark if target image is smaller
- Fill
its better to use 'Fill' with 'Fit' term
- Proportional
- Position
- add group frame
- rename Position to Anchor
- rename Delta to Offset
- (optional) single line or stacked controls ?
there is not enough consistency in X/Y controls (offset/delta/margin) positioning across actions, eg in Vignetting they are in single line
- Other
- simplify naming: 'Image filename' > 'Image' to save screen space
- move Opacity and Alpha settings to the bottom
as it looks better when stretched controls (path field and framed group) are not separated by short ones
- (optional) rework 'Don't use alpha channel' into 'Use alpha channel' [checked by default]
its easier to understand positive statements, but I guess its used as param in some console variant (eg -noalpha) so not a big deal here
- Size
- not sure if term "Proportional" is the best one to describe original (at100%) and relative (any% when checkbox checked) sizes
- Margin
- add Margin
- Rotation
- add watermark Rotation
- Size
- add Normal size in px/%, but not sure if size in pixels required at all
- Tiling
- add Horizontal/Vertical tiling with Spacing options
- uMark
- lightroom
- acdsee
- suggestions
Batch convert - Aspect Pad - change Ratio default value
Batch convert - Automatic crop - merge with Zealous crop
Batch convert - Canvas resize - Relative behaviour
Batch convert - Color balance - add reset button
Batch convert - Offset - change range to relative/percentage
- done -
Batch convert - Watermark - rework Size parameters (current post) (1.6.0)