Ratings: Sort order

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView Classic which have been resolved

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Post by helmut »

Unlike school, there won't happen much with your images if you think that "1" is best and rate them accordingly. Only sorting might seem to be a bit strange. I think Gerhards (maiger) proposal is good and I could live very well with it.


As written above, I still think that the sort order for "Ratings" should be best first and non-rated last (even if academically this might not be ascending sorting).
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Post by Olivier_G »

I believe Ratings should be filtered, rather than just sorted:
- Show 5 only
- Show 4 and above
Those would be the default settings. But you should also be able to show images with Rating=4 only if you want to.

It's the same logic for 'Categories': when you select 'Animal' you expect to see images for 'Birds' and all other subcategories... but you should still be able to access those in 'Animals' only if needed. Ratings are like a 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 hierarchical structure, except that they should be showed flat (unlike normal categories).

I also believe Ratings should be managed like Categories (In the same Tab, with contextual menus, icons/behaviours, etc...).
The organization tree to navigate through them would look like:

Code: Select all

  - Cat
  - Dog
  + Family
PS: I think Ratings and Grades are different... and that a Rating of 5/5 is always better than a Rating of 1/5 (you can also have Grades based on Ratings, although they may be referred as "Ratings" for simplification... :mrgreen: )
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Post by GeorgD »

Same :bug: problem with "Sort by rating": Images of same rating appear randomly as well :-( I'd expected for holiday images to first see all the superb ones (5*) in correct chronological order, then the "bad ones" (3*) chronolgical, then...

The problem is: There are a lot of pics with the same content in the sort criterium field (in contrast to that: names are unique, timestamps nearly unique), so "rating", "tagged" and "extension" are less a sorting but a grouping criterium. Pierre, is it possible to change "rating" to "1st group by rating, then.." and allow to select it together with another option? Optimum would be to have 3 "radio button" groups: group by, sort by, direction instead of only 2 such groups (sort by and direction).

Note: Content appeared originally at http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=37536#37536
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Post by Olivier_G »

Dreamer wrote:
helmut wrote:I think most people would want to see their best rated images at top.
I agree.
...and I agree too.

As it has been agreed that 5=Best / 1=Worst, they should be listed with 5 on top and 1 at the bottom, as described above.
Not implemented in Beta 5.
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Post by Olivier_G »

Olivier_G wrote:Not implemented in Beta 5.
Implemented in Beta 6.

(see how colors have taken some accepted cultural meanings: guess which one is good... :mrgreen: )

Anyway... -> closed