A3: xnview ...scrolling through images randomly?

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A3: xnview ...scrolling through images randomly?

Post by Koogle »

1.90 Alpha 2/3...Seems like xnview is randomly choosing images to display..


if I open 1.jpg, and then mousescroll/page up etc to goto the next image.. it just picks a random image, and doesn't goto the next image sequentially, but it does still go through all the images in a folder.

Also I've noticed that xnview isn't obeying the [Auto Image Size] -Fit window to image- option, that I have selected in [View]. Only time it works is when I open a new image from explorer. And then it continues to use that same window dimensions, unless I press CTRL+T

Are these bugs, or just some setting i've missed?
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Re: xnview ...scrolling through images randomly?

Post by xnview »

Koogle wrote:1.90 Alpha 2/3...Seems like xnview is randomly choosing images to display..


if I open 1.jpg, and then mousescroll/page up etc to goto the next image.. it just picks a random image, and doesn't goto the next image sequentially, but it does still go through all the images in a folder.

Also I've noticed that xnview isn't obeying the [Auto Image Size] -Fit window to image- option, that I have selected in [View]. Only time it works is when I open a new image from explorer. And then it continues to use that same window dimensions, unless I press CTRL+T

Are these bugs, or just some setting i've missed?
Randomly???? In view mode or browser? Which sort setting do you have?
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Post by Koogle »

yeah it seems too happen in view mode & fullscreen, straight after opening a file from explorer etc.. However if open a picture and then I goto browser mode, and then back to view/fullscreen mode it goes through the images sequentially as it should.

Which settings do you want to know? Any specific ones i can take a screenshot of... Is there not a way I can just upload a config file you can have a look at it?
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Post by xnview »

Koogle wrote:yeah it seems too happen in view mode & fullscreen, straight after opening a file from explorer etc.. However if open a picture and then I goto browser mode, and then back to view/fullscreen mode it goes through the images sequentially as it should.

Which settings do you want to know? Any specific ones i can take a screenshot of... Is there not a way I can just upload a config file you can have a look at it?
Which sorting option do you have?
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Post by Koogle »

you mean [View]>[Sort By]>[Name (numeric)] ? thats what its on anyway
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Post by xnview »

Koogle wrote:you mean [View]>[Sort By]>[Name (numeric)] ? thats what its on anyway
So the problem is only when you dbl click on a picture in windows explorer?
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Post by Koogle »

yup.. can't you replicate the problem? Anyone else noticed it? or is just me
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Post by GeorgD »

Koogle wrote:yup.. can't you replicate the problem? Anyone else noticed it? or is just me
Reproducable. It's 423 > 399 > 404 for a test folder for full screen view (in the browser view, they are listed correctly). :bug:

BTW, I just realized: XnView 1.9a3 uses always checkbox widgets, thus a user does not see "ony one of the options" (circle, see FireFox => View => Charcter encoding) or "0...all of the options" (checkmark, see FireFox => View => Toolbars) by the shape of the sign/widget :bug:. In v1.8.4 it was correctly. Pierre, do you hate me now for filing 3 bugs in one post? ;)

----- Discuss the stuff below at http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=37541#37541 to keep issues sperated

Same :bug: problem with "Sort by rating": Images of same rating appear randomly as well :-( I'd expected for holiday images to first see all the superb ones (5*) in correct chronological order, then the "bad ones" (3*) chronolgical, then...

The problem is: There are a lot of pics with the same content in the sort criterium field (in contrast to that: names are unique, timestamps nearly unique), so "rating", "tagged" and "extension" are less a sorting but a grouping criterium. Pierre, is it possible to change "rating" to "1st group by rating, then.." and allow to select it together with another option? Optimum would be to have 3 "radio button" groups: group by, sort by, direction instead of only 2 such groups (sort by and direction).

Last edited by GeorgD on Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Olivier_G »

GeorgD wrote:There are a lot of pics with the same content in the sort criterium field (in contrast to that: names are unique, timestamps nearly unique), so "rating", "tagged" and "extension" are less a sorting but a grouping criterium.
This is also why I suggested to manage ratings as Categories rather than sorting (+it would be better to continue the Ratings/Sortings discussion there, and focus on bug here).
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Post by GeorgD »

Added content in other thread. Posting edited and added a note.
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Post by Koogle »

What about this other thing i mentioned:
Also I've noticed that xnview isn't obeying the [Auto Image Size] -Fit window to image- option, that I have selected in [View]. Only time it works is when I open a new image from explorer. And then it continues to use that same window dimensions, unless I press CTRL+T

:bug: :bugconfirmed: ???
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Post by GeorgD »

"window to image" does not work at all. Is forgotten regularyly after closing XnView. Window is always opened with same size it had last time (opening XnView fresh from explorer or changing the image within XnView). But that does not matter for me as I always start in maximized window :-)
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Post by marsh »

Koogle wrote:1.90 Alpha 2/3...Seems like xnview is randomly choosing images to display..
Fixed. ß-5.
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Post by sullysnet »

if the sort order in the browser is set to date and you scroll through pictures in File View will it scroll through by date? Seems like when I change this setting to Name (numeric) it sorted per normal. I find that it is odd that this effects the File View, I can see it in the browser view cause I may want to sort by date or some other option when I am sorting pictures.

Am I right about how that works?

thanks :mrgreen: