"Instant" high quality button

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"Instant" high quality button

Post by JohnFredC »

Please consider adding a function (and toolbar button) that "one time" smooths the current image at whatever zoom ratio currently pertains.

Note that the requested behavior differs from the option High quality zoom shown in the options panel.

"Instant" smoothing would apply only to the current view of the current image and would be lost as soon as the zoom ratio changed or the user navigated to another image.

Thanks for listening!
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Re: Reqst: "Instant" high quality button

Post by xnview »

JohnFredC wrote:Please consider adding a function (and toolbar button) that "one time" smooths the current image at whatever zoom ratio currently pertains.

Note that the requested behavior differs from the option High quality zoom shown in the options panel.

"Instant" smoothing would apply only to the current view of the current image and would be lost as soon as the zoom ratio changed or the user navigated to another image.
Ok, but could you explain me why? :-)
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Post by JohnFredC »

Hi Pierre

The reason is that some of the images I work with have very widely differing dimensions within the same folder.

When moving through a folder one image after another, for smaller images high quality works fast enough on my system, but on large images the high quality mode is too slow to be practical.

Invariably, if I have turned high quality mode on, I encounter an image that takes a very long time to smooth. During that time XnView is unresponsive. So I must leave high quality off most of the time and cannot easily benefit from it.

Having an "instant" button would let me leave high quality mode off and more easily chose which individual images/zoom levels I want smoothed.
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Post by jis »

I think that the reason for this is evident, because with High quality zoom settings is XnView slow. With instant smoothing can user show his/her pictures quickly and only important or interesting pictures can be improved on demand. Yes I know, for more powerful machines will be instant smoothing unnecessary, but what about users with old and slow machines? I have for example PIII at 700MHz...
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Post by moon47usaco »

I would also like this feature...

I use XnView to view LARGE scanned architectural documents and quick zooming is essential 90% of the time so i usually leave it off forcing me to either zoom in very close to get a good view of the scan or going in to settings and turning on/off the HQZ (high quality zoom) setting...

I think a HQZ toggle on/off button would ALSO be nice but the temp HQ button would be very beneficial to me...

Unles there was a way to speed up the HQZ overall... My system is not slow by any means P4-3ghz-1g ram... But i have really large images, usually E size architectural scans, that i need to browse quickly but also need the HQ to see the whole picture more clearly...

Thank you...
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Post by JohnFredC »

Bumping this older topic, but with an additional suggestion:

Currently the XnView high quality zoom settings reside on the Options->View dialog. This is OK for the default behavior of new image tabs, but since the setting is global, ALL image tabs are affected.

The "instant" high quality" button I suggested at the beginning of this thread would immediately execute a smoothing pass on the image in the current image tab, but would not change the default quality behavior settings for the tab.

New, additional suggestion:

To toggle the "automatic" high quality mode behavior for the current tab, please consider "High Quality mode" entries in the image tab's context menu.

A user would display the tab's context menu and select one of the zoom quality items. This would set the toggle for the current image tab and automatically perform the smoothing (or unsmoothing) pass.

Images in other tabs would not be affected by the setting and, of course, the setting would be lost when the tab closed.

New image tabs would continue to look to Options->View to see how to behave.