DWG thumbnails ??

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DWG thumbnails ??

Post by tobi »

Autodesk DWG thumbnails are not visible in XNview.
Few versions back they were OK but now disappeared again . Is this in favor of third party plug ins (commercial one) or something is wrong with my PC ?

If DWG thumbnails are supported for free (even in Windows) , why do I have to use External commercial plugin for it ?
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Re: DWG thumbnails ??

Post by xnview »

tobi wrote:Autodesk DWG thumbnails are not visible in XNview.
Few versions back they were OK but now disappeared again . Is this in favor of third party plug ins (commercial one) or something is wrong with my PC ?

If DWG thumbnails are supported for free (even in Windows) , why do I have to use External commercial plugin for it ?
Do you have the CADSOFTTOOLS plugin?

Post by Guest »

Why I can't see embedded thumbnails (if possible..., but as I say it's possible in explorer).
Why I have to use external plugin ?
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Post by helmut »

Anonymous wrote:Why I can't see embedded thumbnails (if possible..., but as I say it's possible in explorer).
Why I have to use external plugin ?
FAQ "Let's talk about Plug-Ins" gives you an idea of the plug-ins and their purpose.

Post by Guest »

Mr Helmut,
Thank you for the answer.
Thumbnail for DWG fails are included/embeded in files.
The plugin for These files gives extended functionaliti, but I dont want to use it.
I just want to see the embeded thumbnail without extra plugin.
This was possible few versions ago but now this functionality is removed.
I cant stand why ..
It's awfull to redirect me to a extraplugin if it's not necessary for the base functionality.
I can see DWG-thumbnails in WindowsExplorer , but I cant see these inside XNview without extra plugin by Cadsoft.