Usability: Proposal for "Configuration Snapshots"

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Usability: Proposal for "Configuration Snapshots"

Post by JohnFredC »

XnView has many useful options to customize its use and appearance in order to meet different user needs. But that configurability comes at steep price in Usability when a user needs to employ different customizations during a single session with XnView and is not willing (for whatever reason) to disable the "Use only one instance" option.

The Case

I generally switch between three XnView.ini files based on three basic task groups or modes: Edit, Review/Administer, Present.
  • 1. Edit mode: resize, convert, adjust exposure, etc.
    2. Review mode: browse, view, copy, move, categorize
    3. Presentation mode: Meetings, slide shows, showing off to others 8) (almost like a kiosk).
The interface changes between these three modes are substantial: visibility of screen elements (toolbars, etc), layout of browser, thumbs design, label design, etc, etc. all must change.

Since changing all of these many Options takes a lot of time, I have laboriously built three INI files to match the three modes and three batch files (.bat) to start XnView with the appropriate INI file.

Then, I open XnView in a selected "mode" by launching the appropriate batch file.

OK. So far so good. This works, at least initially.

The Problem

Invariably it happens that I am in the wrong "mode" for the task at hand and need to switch modes. This involves either...
  • 1) ...changing the specific Options or Visibilities (bad, because potentially time-consuming and bad, because then the INI remembers the changes for next time, essentially "redefining" the mode).

    2) ...or exiting XnView and restarting the appropriate .bat file (bad, because that interrupts my -or my audience's- train of thought and bad, because the new mode frequently already points to a different folder, requiring navigation, etc.)
The Proposal

My idea is to have a separate Options page for Configuration Snapshots. A user could define the look, feel, and behavior of XnView, then come to this Options->Configuration Snapshots page and save a named Snapshot. The page would have toggles for which option groups should be saved in the snapshot: Layout mode, Thumbs, Labels, File List, maybe even Favorites, History, Document Tabs, etc. along with a button for a file dialog to name and save the Snapshot. Also, each group could have a "Lock" toggle to prevent Option changes made "on the fly" from inadvertently redefining the Snapshot.

In addition, there would be a View->Open Configuration Snapshot menu item that would list the saved Configuration Snapshots (plus "Save Snapshot", which would open the Options page). The user would select from the list of Configuration Snapshots and XnView would instantly reconfigure itself (i.e., apply the Snapshot).

(Behind the scenes, XnView would simply be saving/restoring/applying INI "snippets" from/to external (*.xcs?) files.)

A positive side-effect of this proposal would be that we could share Snapshots with each other here on the forum. Currently, it is inconvenient to share INI files with everyone because private data must be removed first.

Also, Pierre could distribute XnView with several different "modes" already defined and saved as Configuration Snapshots.

There are many Usability issues to be addressed in this proposal, but hopefully this unfortunately long-winded :( post will prompt new ideas and solutions.
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Post by fbachofner »

I like this idea.

A number of applications allow the saving of different "workspaces."

That term might be more universally accepted than "configuration snapshots".
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Post by Dreamer »

What about to use the 3 xnview folders with 3 different ini files? Of course I mean the ZIP versions, settings and other files must be in the "install" folder. Then just create 3 (desktop) shortcuts with different names. I use my web browser the same way.
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Post by JohnFredC »

Instead of just asking for the functionality, I tried to make a case for its benefits based on my usage of XnView. This seems like a basic function missed by many softwares.

with 3 different ini files?
That's what I already do and it doesn't work well for the reasons I stated.

I used the term "Configuration Snapshot" instead of "Workspace" because it I thought it better described what I was proposing... it doesn't matter to me one whit what the functionality is officially called, though.
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Post by XnTriq »

IDM Computer Solutions ([url=]UltraEdit Feature Map[/url]) wrote:An environment allows you to toggle between editor layouts so as to allow you the ability to switch menus, toolbars, dockable windows, customized templates, and more based on your tasks/needs. Environments provide a way for you to customize the editor exactly as you'd like, and then save and switch to it at the click of a button.
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Post by oops66 »

JohnFredC wrote:...
with 3 different ini files?
That's what I already do and it doesn't work well for the reasons I stated...
Yes but, maybe with an option to make a choose between 3 .ini files with different names and then automatically restart Xnview (or better if possible: update "on the fly"), this can do easily the job.

Code: Select all

I generally switch between three XnView.ini files based on three basic task groups or modes: Edit, Review/Administer, Present.

      1. Edit mode: resize, convert, adjust exposure, etc.
      2. Review mode: browse, view, copy, move, categorize
      3. Presentation mode: Meetings, slide shows, showing off to others Cool (almost like a kiosk).
So only one choose default Options:
[ ] xnview.ewe -ini xnview-edit-1.ini
[x] xnview.ewe -ini xnview-review-2.ini
[ ] xnview.ewe -ini xnview-show-3.ini
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Post by JohnFredC »

My hope is for submenu that allows me to name, save, and restore groups of settings. I'd also like to dedicate a toolbar button to a single mode. In my case I'd have three buttons.

How that is implemented is irrelevant to me, though importing and exporting designated INI sections seems a good approach.

I would hope that XnView could "re-apply" the INI instead of having to close and reopen.

Currently opened images and browser view should persist when the new "configuration" opens.