oops66: well then... there are some screenshots (but i thinks it is not neccessary):
now, i have directory with images located on "D:\_foobar"... and i want to make some transformations and store result into "D:\_foobar\test"...
i start xnview, locate files, select them, press Ctrl-U... load script, which is located on "D:\myscript.xbs"
after processing, i can see, where is new "test" directory placed - it is placed to "D:\test" not to "D:\_foobar\test"
there is source of xbs
of course, this is simple example, this does not work with "./test/" neather does not work with complicated paths ("D:\foo\bar\my_photos" -> "D:\foo\bar\my_photos\transformed"; with script stored on "C:\omni\data\script.xbs")... everytime are processed files stored relatively to script, not to source data...
btw: running on Windows XP Pro, SP3...