Who uses GFLSDK?

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Who uses GFLSDK?

Post by xnview »

All is in the title :-)
If you use GFLSDK, could you tell me for which software? If you have an url?

Last edited by xnview on Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by XnTriq »

XnTriq ([url=http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=34186#p34186]Lossless JPEG transformations[/url]) wrote:
  • AnRy: JPEG Lossless Rotator (utilizes XnView's GFL-SDK)*
    Have you ever thought that when you rotate a JPEG photo you lose its quality?
    When you want to rotate a JPEG image or photo, most image editors decode the image, rotate the bitmap and then reencode the JPEG. This process slightly decreases the final image quality. But, unlike other tools, this does not recode your image but performs a special lossless block transformation. As a result, the rotated image has exactly the same quality as the original. Two possible thumbnail quality/speed settings, shell integration feature (this allows you to rotate a JPEG image through a right-click on the file), batch rotation (from the shell), EXIF-data display, and favorite folders option. Free, simple, and useful.
    * jpgrotate.dll = libgfl254.dll
    jpegrotate.dll = libgfle254.dll
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Re: Who uses GFLSDK?

Post by xnview »

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Post by XnTriq »

  • Dimitris Giannitsaros: Cheez
    Cheez is a powerful, yet easy to use, image cataloguing tool. It's main purpose is to help people with digital cameras organize, enhance and share their photos and video clips. Of course it can be used for any kind of image collection.
  • Devomaxx: Easy Photo Transfert
    Easy Photo Transfert est un logiciel de transfert de photo depuis votre appareil photo numérique vers votre disque dur. Il permet de définir une règle de nommage de vos photos, de faire les rotations nécessaires et d'avoir des copies en basse résolution pour l'envoi par e-mail par exemple.
  • Eugene “RIMMER” Efimochkin: iConstructor
    iConstructor is a program to make high-res icons from 2 images (source and overlay). Source is used as a background, and overlay is transformed and drawn upon the source. This way you can easily make your own icons for specific folders or filetypes.
  • MainConcept: MainActor
    MainActor 5 combines many high-end functions in one video editing and compositing product. Features include a track-based interface with customizable workspaces, multiple timelines, and multi-user support. The new capture module makes it easy to record digital video via FireWire, and analog footage from a variety of sources. The program also offers background rendering, smart rendering, realtime preview, dozens of transitions and effects (including slow motion and time warp), a powerful title generator, and polydiagrams for easy, precise key framing. MainActor v5 supports a wide variety of file formats, and includes an integrated version of the popular MainConcept MPEG Encoder to create files for DVD, Video CD, Super Video CD, and other MPEG needs.
  • Antonio Da Cruz: PhotoFiltre
    PhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre a robust look. Its wide range of filters allows novice users to familiarize themselves with the world of graphics. You can find the standard adjustment functions (Brightness, contrast, saturation, gamma correction) and also artistic filters (watercolor, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect).
  • Alexander Noé: PxScan/PxView
    PxScan/PxView allow you to check the condition of recorded CDs and DVDs using Plextor drives, so that you can determine which discs your DVD writer can properly handle, and which not, or to monitor the “development” in time of certain discs, for example to see a disc degrading before it is too late.
    Performs PIE, PIF, Jitter, Beta, TA and C1/C2 scans on Plextor drives supporting those functions, removing some limitations imposed by PlexTools Professional (for example concerning scanning speed, supported drives, scale configuration...). This tool continues to exist despite of threats from Plextor's parent company.
  • Progman13: SGViewer
    Lister plugin for Total Commander 5.51 or later for view images
  • Guillermo “_GUI_” Luijk: Software » Zero Noise (Cero Ruido/GLNoise)
    Zero Noise es una herramienta para automatizar la eliminación de ruido y expansión de rango dinámico mediante multiexposición. Tomará dos o más archivos RAW de cualquier modelo de cámara y generará una imagen TIFF de 16 bits libre de ruido y de gran rango dinámico recuperando la textura de las sombras más profundas.
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Post by _GUI_ »

I use it a lot. In all my particular experiments regarding image processing. I have also developed some pieces of software for image processing where I use it:

Tone Hacker: a program to rip tones from B&W toned pictures:
http://www.guillermoluijk.com/software/ ... /index.htm

Histogrammar: a program (I think it's the only one out there) to generate 16-bit histograms of any image including logarithmic histograms.
http://www.guillermoluijk.com/tutorial/ ... /index.htm

Zero Noise: program that blends several images from a photo camera into a final image with expanded dynamic range and virtually zero noise. It will include anti-ghosting and local progressive blending among other advanced features. http://www.guillermoluijk.com/tutorial/ ... /index.htm
Last edited by _GUI_ on Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaierMan »

Other than CelebNamer I got some other (public) applications that use GflSDK one way or another:
  • SimilarImages Finds and displays "near-same"/similar images.
  • FastPreview - my own little ShellExt/Viewer. Nothing special indeed ;)
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Post by *KAP* »

I'm using GflSDK in my skin converter for QIP, which converts skins from old QIP format (QIP 2005) to the new one (QIP Infium): http://forum.qip.ru/showthread.php?t=21459
QIP in Quiet Internet Pager, a free ICQ client: www.qip.ru
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Re: Who uses GFLSDK?

Post by xnview »

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Post by madiazg »

imagen3D is a program that I have developed for the creation and basic edition of Anaglyph images from a couple of digital images taken from different angles.
http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web ... /imagen3d/
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Re: imagen3D

Post by anaglif »

22.08.2008 I wrote http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=65517#65517
madiazg wrote:imagen3D is a program that I have developed for the creation and basic edition of Anaglyph images from a couple of digital images taken from different angles.
http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web ... /imagen3d/
Thanks, Madiazg!
I downloaded the program Imagen3D. It that is necessary for me! There are in it still defects, but in fact it is version 1.4 beta.
My works in program you can look here http://www.panoramio.com/user/2055604.

:D Kind regards,
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Post by gcube »

Maybe I shouldn't reply here, because I don't actually use GFL SDK now, but I just discovered that the commercial web host I use has it available for me to use in ASP - that's godaddy.com. I'm thrilled to discover that and am just starting now to research all the wonderful things I'm going to use it for. Registering here is my first step. I promise to post URLs for websites where I use it.

I have developed websites for several clients (mostly non-profit groups) that include photo albums, where members can upload photos. Some of them upload huge photo files, which take a long time to download, especially when there are 10 or 12 of them on an album page. My first plan for the GFL SDK is to create 3 versions of each file when it gets uploaded - 1 a little bigger than a thumbnail for display on the photo album page, another one 800x600 that can be displayed by clicking on the album page photo, and the third one will be the original uploaded file, that can be downloaded by someone who wants the full size image.

I'm looking forward to learning all about this and I am also looking forward to becoming a 2-way contributor here. I will gladly answer any questions about what I do that may be helpful to anyone!
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Post by marco-pano »

Hi Pierre, I've built an application with PBWin 9.0 compiler (www.powerbasic.com) using libGFL290.dll (full version as light version is not a correct Win 32 bit).
This application aims to reproject spherical projection picture of panorama to other projection type. It's not a viewer application and respect your license, as far as I guess.
My free application using libGFL290.dll can be downloaded for free when connecting to my personal website:
then select 'Projections Reprojector' in the 'Info links" menu.

Thanks for your work, Pierre.
--- marco-pano ^_^
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Post by Nikolay Raspopov »

Shareaza 2
GFL used in all Shareaza subsystems: jpg/png application resources, skin engine, image file preview, thumbnailer etc.
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Re: Who uses GFLSDK?

Post by lazyeugene »

I am currently using:

And waiting for next version with hope to get support of alpha channel with 8bit pictures :)
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Re: Who uses GFLSDK?

Post by JNeave »


We use the GFL SDK for digital image processing in our product Si-Dem, one of the most successful pieces of debt management and parking enforcement systems in the UK.


