I Try Xnview to see and convert graphics.

Now I have my new computer with Linux only in it (Ubuntu 10.4 64bits) but...Xnview don't run.
I try to install the XnView-static-fc4.i386.rpm package, first with alien -d ... in order to create a .deb package, and later with -i optio in order to install directly.
I got a error messages who says some as "la arquitectura del anfitrión 'amd64' no aparece en la lista de arquitectura de paquetes (i386)" that in english means: "the host architecture 'amd64' are not in the packet list (i386)" (My system speak spanish often, beause I'm spanish and is so easy for me understand it in my own idiom ...)
I've an (may be stupid)

I see the .../XnView-1.70 directory created from the .rpm package and...If I put every file on place? I see the structure is also as /usr/...So I do with root user and the cp command, but only the files from the .../XnView-1.70/usr directory, and doing nothing with the files in .../XnView-1.70/debian dir.
After that, Xnview Icon appears in the Grafics Menu, so it seem be a nice idea, but when click on it, it does nothing. If I run /usr/bin/xnview on a terminal window, I get the message in good english:
"xnview: error while loading shared libraries: libXt.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
I guess that it could be related with the path where I put the .../XnView-1.70/usr/X11R6 directory. I didn't know where copy it, and I did copy it as /usr/X11R6
Or more probable, the problem is that this version of XnView don't work wit 64bit release of Ubuntu.
Or...somebody could help me?

Roberto Pla