Now that you point to it... the implementation should be
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function gflGetColorAt( const src: PGFL_BITMAP; x, y: GFL_INT32; var color: PGFL_COLOR ): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;
function gflSetColorAt( var dst: PGFL_BITMAP; x, y: GFL_INT32; const color: PGFL_COLOR ): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;
...along with the ...
Ex()-functions the same in/out-definitions. But I never worked with them, so I cannot really test it. However, handing over a full color as last parameter instead of a pointer to a color should have been a mistake all along. But I'm gonna investigate if this (my) definition is a more straight translation off the .h.
GFL_EXIF_IFD_0 have been spotted right
Also not sure if gflBitblt should not be defined as
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function gflBitblt( src: PGFL_BITMAP; rect: PGFL_RECT; var dst: PGFL_BITMAP; x_dest, y_dest: GFL_INT32 ): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;
...because of dst being altered. But good eye on that parameter anyway
Good point in finding out that
gflBitmapSetEXIFValueRationalArray2 is also not defined until today. Totally agree with your translation. In the meantime I also found out that
gflGetExtraInfos and
gflGetExtraInfosCount are not defined, but did that by now (see
Thread). When I have all clarifications done I will post a second update. That will also include an improved method for dynamic linking to incorporate the loading of PlugIns also.
So thx along, Miguel