MP 0.26 Win - XMP->Categories only for specific folders

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView MP

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MP 0.26 Win - XMP->Categories only for specific folders

Post by andrea.ippo »

I have set the option to convert XMP tags to Categories.
This is very useful to classify a personal image library, but it could also make the list of categories grow rapidly when opening e.g. downloaded files with XMP metadata.
Perhaps the user should be able to define some folders (e.g. %user_folder%/images) for which he wants to auto-convert XMP to Categories, thus excluding the conversion for image files contained in the others (e.g. %user_folder%/downloads, etc)

What do you think?
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Re: MP 0.26 Win - XMP->Categories only for specific folders

Post by xnview »

Perhaps a little too complicated, we have already a include/exclude folder list for thumbnails caching...
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Re: MP 0.26 Win - XMP->Categories only for specific folders

Post by JohnFredC »

Yes, complicated, but possibly amenable to simplification.

Perhaps if the Options could include a "Special handling" page to which the user could list folders for either exclusion OR "special handling", including possibly the request above.

This represents another possible use for the hidden .xnviewsort file. If that file exists in a folder, then XnView would know to look inside it for that folder's "special handling" instructions.