Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- XnThusiast
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Ideas for 'Batch rename'
I'm currently using MP 0.38.7 - win xp sp1
1.) Option to remove showing of the picture preview in the Batch Rename dialog window. Something as simple as a right-click on the preview to do a 'disable preview' would be nice.
2.) A line number column in the file list of the Batch Rename (like in the MP Browser) would be nice and accurate to have
3.) What about a user-entry box called 'Fill spaces with:' . So that for filenames with spaces I could enter something like "_" or whatever I like
4.) Insert text after/before a character
5.) Possibly make the 'Batch Rename' window (as a feature) independent ready. So by this I mean that the Batch rename in MP would not be tied to the MP Browser so much but would also have the ability to be able to load files from Windows to rename like a standalone app. The Batch Rename would still be binded to XnView MP and not break away from it in anyway but the Windows interaction feature would just be an extra option. To supllement this support for drag n drop, support for remove/remove/Ctrl+A/DEL would need to be considered too. What do you think? Is this a good idea?
1.) Option to remove showing of the picture preview in the Batch Rename dialog window. Something as simple as a right-click on the preview to do a 'disable preview' would be nice.
2.) A line number column in the file list of the Batch Rename (like in the MP Browser) would be nice and accurate to have
3.) What about a user-entry box called 'Fill spaces with:' . So that for filenames with spaces I could enter something like "_" or whatever I like
4.) Insert text after/before a character
5.) Possibly make the 'Batch Rename' window (as a feature) independent ready. So by this I mean that the Batch rename in MP would not be tied to the MP Browser so much but would also have the ability to be able to load files from Windows to rename like a standalone app. The Batch Rename would still be binded to XnView MP and not break away from it in anyway but the Windows interaction feature would just be an extra option. To supllement this support for drag n drop, support for remove/remove/Ctrl+A/DEL would need to be considered too. What do you think? Is this a good idea?
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 1621
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Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Why not, let's have 'Batch Rename' as a tab too.....budz45 wrote: 5.) Possibly make the 'Batch Rename' window (as a feature) independent ready. So by this I mean that the Batch rename in MP would not be tied to the MP Browser so much but would also have the ability to be able to load files from Windows to rename like a standalone app. The Batch Rename would still be binded to XnView MP and not break away from it in anyway but the Windows interaction feature would just be an extra option. To supllement this support for drag n drop, support for remove/remove/Ctrl+A/DEL would need to be considered too. What do you think? Is this a good idea?
Perhaps the idea to have it as a tab has already been discussed.....It would be just like the current "Batch Convert" with 'Shift' key as tab ... 313#p97917
Batch Rename as a tab would not only be non-modal but also would allow users who like MP's renamer to allow drag n dropping of files from MP Browser/Win Explorer/file-managers to be renamed. How awesome this would be.
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 2010
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Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
I like this idea.
The context menu in the browser could have a "Send to" entry similar to the following:
Overkill? Not for me.
The context menu in the browser could have a "Send to" entry similar to the following:
Code: Select all
Send selected to MP...
Batch rename tab
Rename tab 1
Rename tab 2
New Rename tab
Convert tab
Convert tab 1
Convert tab 2
New Rename tab
Slideshow tab
Slideshow tab 1
Slideshow tab 2
New Slideshow tab
- Author of XnView
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Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Why?budz45 wrote:1.) Option to remove showing of the picture preview in the Batch Rename dialog window. Something as simple as a right-click on the preview to do a 'disable preview' would be nice.
Useful information??2.) A line number column in the file list of the Batch Rename (like in the MP Browser) would be nice and accurate to have
And why not use replace?3.) What about a user-entry box called 'Fill spaces with:' . So that for filenames with spaces I could enter something like "_" or whatever I like
yes why not. So Same dialog but as a tab with drag&drop feature?Why not, let's have 'Batch Rename' as a tab too.....
- Posts: 215
- Joined: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:03 am
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
1: Not really desirable!
2 : Perhaps, then only "if" these line numbers "correspond" to the numbers of lines of what you call MP browser and is probably the "Billboard Files: File Control! ". In this case, this would locate the files and see if the list is what is desired!
Double numbering "differentiated" bring confusion seems to me there!
What might be interesting is to know the number of file selected in the list of files to rename!
5 : This is more than interesting but for me it by renaming the files that I think I have definitely lost two files (copies thankfully). I can not confirm or reproduce it because it was linked to various manipulations of individual and batch renaming, among other things when I used to copy / paste file name to switch to Win XNV and opening folders and sub records as required. This does not affect the batch renaming tool of XNV only that errors in the renaming of file from one to another (Win-XNV, and / or, individually per batch) can occur! How to avoid them even if that manipulates files on hurt?
I think the only directly responsible, but in my defense, I find it too difficult to rearrange folders and files inside even XNV. I think copying files from one folder to another folder to folder, etc.. So I tended to do so in part while working with Win XNV wrongly of course!
For information only:
Both files had changed their names without an extension and had lost their contents, 0 bytes. The first after having given a correct extension can be opened. It was empty and I was able to remove, the second has become inaccessible and impossible to remove.
I think without being able to verify that it is still in a bad copy / paste file name that the errors occurred. By copying: Ctrl + C, I copied other information remained selected!
The question may arise, even if it's my mistake, what should have happened to me that I was doing a poor handling?
1 : Pas vraiment souhaitable !
2 : Peut être, mais alors seulement « si » ces numéros de ligne « correspondent » aux numéros des lignes de ce que vous appelez navigateur MP et qui est sans doute le « Panneau d’affichage des fichiers : Panneau Fichier ! ». Dans ce cas, cela permettrait de localiser les fichiers et de vérifier si la liste correspond à ce qui est souhaité !
Une double numérotation « différenciée » apporterait la confusion me semble t-il !
Ce qui pourrait être intéressant c’est de connaître le nombre de fichier retenu dans la liste des fichiers à renommer !
5: Ceci est plus qu’intéressant mais en ce qui me concerne c’est en renommant des fichiers que je pense avoir perdus définitivement deux fichiers (copies heureusement). Je ne peux pas confirmer ou reproduire cela car il s’agissait de manipulations diverses liées à du renommage individuelle ou par lot, en me servant entre autre de copier/coller de noms de fichiers pour passer de Win à Xnv et en ouvrant dossiers et sous dossiers suivant les besoins. Cela ne remet pas en cause l’outil de renommage en lot de Xnv mais seulement que des erreurs dans le renommage de fichier en passant de l’un à l’autre (Win-Xnv, et/ou encore, individuelle- par lot) peut survenir ! Comment les éviter même si celui qui manipule les fichiers le fait mal ?
Je crois être directement le seul responsable mais à ma décharge, je trouve qu’il est encore trop malaisé de réorganiser dossiers et fichiers à l’intérieur même de Xnv. Je pense à la copie de fichier d’un dossier à l’autre, de dossier à dossier, etc. J’ai donc eu tendance à le faire en partie dans Win tout en travaillant avec Xnv à tord bien entendu !
Pour information uniquement :
Les deux fichiers avaient changé de nom sans extension et avait perdu leurs contenus, 0 octet. Le premier après lui avoir remis une extension correcte pouvait s’ouvrir. Il était bien vide et j’ai pu le supprime, le deuxième est devenu inaccessible et impossible à éliminer.
Je pense mais sans avoir pu encore le vérifier que c’est lors d’un mauvais copier/coller de nom de fichier que les erreurs se sont produites. En copiant : Ctrl+C, j’aurais copié d’autres informations restées sélectionnées !
La question qui peut se poser, même s’il s’agit d’erreur de ma part, qu’est-ce qui aurait du se passer pour m’avertir que j’étais en train de faire une mauvaise manipulation ?
Bien à vous
1: Not really desirable!
2 : Perhaps, then only "if" these line numbers "correspond" to the numbers of lines of what you call MP browser and is probably the "Billboard Files: File Control! ". In this case, this would locate the files and see if the list is what is desired!
Double numbering "differentiated" bring confusion seems to me there!
What might be interesting is to know the number of file selected in the list of files to rename!
5 : This is more than interesting but for me it by renaming the files that I think I have definitely lost two files (copies thankfully). I can not confirm or reproduce it because it was linked to various manipulations of individual and batch renaming, among other things when I used to copy / paste file name to switch to Win XNV and opening folders and sub records as required. This does not affect the batch renaming tool of XNV only that errors in the renaming of file from one to another (Win-XNV, and / or, individually per batch) can occur! How to avoid them even if that manipulates files on hurt?
I think the only directly responsible, but in my defense, I find it too difficult to rearrange folders and files inside even XNV. I think copying files from one folder to another folder to folder, etc.. So I tended to do so in part while working with Win XNV wrongly of course!
For information only:
Both files had changed their names without an extension and had lost their contents, 0 bytes. The first after having given a correct extension can be opened. It was empty and I was able to remove, the second has become inaccessible and impossible to remove.
I think without being able to verify that it is still in a bad copy / paste file name that the errors occurred. By copying: Ctrl + C, I copied other information remained selected!
The question may arise, even if it's my mistake, what should have happened to me that I was doing a poor handling?
1 : Pas vraiment souhaitable !
2 : Peut être, mais alors seulement « si » ces numéros de ligne « correspondent » aux numéros des lignes de ce que vous appelez navigateur MP et qui est sans doute le « Panneau d’affichage des fichiers : Panneau Fichier ! ». Dans ce cas, cela permettrait de localiser les fichiers et de vérifier si la liste correspond à ce qui est souhaité !
Une double numérotation « différenciée » apporterait la confusion me semble t-il !
Ce qui pourrait être intéressant c’est de connaître le nombre de fichier retenu dans la liste des fichiers à renommer !
5: Ceci est plus qu’intéressant mais en ce qui me concerne c’est en renommant des fichiers que je pense avoir perdus définitivement deux fichiers (copies heureusement). Je ne peux pas confirmer ou reproduire cela car il s’agissait de manipulations diverses liées à du renommage individuelle ou par lot, en me servant entre autre de copier/coller de noms de fichiers pour passer de Win à Xnv et en ouvrant dossiers et sous dossiers suivant les besoins. Cela ne remet pas en cause l’outil de renommage en lot de Xnv mais seulement que des erreurs dans le renommage de fichier en passant de l’un à l’autre (Win-Xnv, et/ou encore, individuelle- par lot) peut survenir ! Comment les éviter même si celui qui manipule les fichiers le fait mal ?
Je crois être directement le seul responsable mais à ma décharge, je trouve qu’il est encore trop malaisé de réorganiser dossiers et fichiers à l’intérieur même de Xnv. Je pense à la copie de fichier d’un dossier à l’autre, de dossier à dossier, etc. J’ai donc eu tendance à le faire en partie dans Win tout en travaillant avec Xnv à tord bien entendu !
Pour information uniquement :
Les deux fichiers avaient changé de nom sans extension et avait perdu leurs contenus, 0 octet. Le premier après lui avoir remis une extension correcte pouvait s’ouvrir. Il était bien vide et j’ai pu le supprime, le deuxième est devenu inaccessible et impossible à éliminer.
Je pense mais sans avoir pu encore le vérifier que c’est lors d’un mauvais copier/coller de nom de fichier que les erreurs se sont produites. En copiant : Ctrl+C, j’aurais copié d’autres informations restées sélectionnées !
La question qui peut se poser, même s’il s’agit d’erreur de ma part, qu’est-ce qui aurait du se passer pour m’avertir que j’étais en train de faire une mauvaise manipulation ?
Bien à vous
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 1621
- Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:05 pm
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Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
I was originally thinking that for really LARGE images (or other 'buggy' image files) that might slow down the Rename interface/module. That and besides the Renamer being more UI-suited to non-image files i.e. option to remove the aforementioned 'preview'.xnview wrote:Why?budz45 wrote:1.) Option to remove showing of the picture preview in the Batch Rename dialog window. Something as simple as a right-click on the preview to do a 'disable preview' would be nice.
But I guess I was wrong, pls accept my apologies.
Yes true. So if there is only one space in a filename(s) then all a user would have to do in the first 'replace' field is to tap the keyboard spacebar once and then in the second 'replace' field - replace it with something else.xnview wrote:budz45 wrote:And why not use replace?3.) What about a user-entry box called 'Fill spaces with:' . So that for filenames with spaces I could enter something like "_" or whatever I like
Perhaps in a future XnView MP you could consider adding a second or even third 'replace' function (so 3 in total) with perhaps the 2 extra hidden by default for a user to press to show them and use them. I've seen 2x replace functions in ShellToys 'batch rename' tool.
Thanks for agreeing on the feature for opening as tab (like 'batch convert') and for agreeing on willing to add Drag&Drop support to the 'batch rename' file-list interface.xnview wrote:budz45 wrote:yes why not. So Same dialog but as a tab with drag&drop feature?Why not, let's have 'Batch Rename' as a tab too.....
Useful information??2.) A line number column in the file list of the Batch Rename (like in the MP Browser) would be nice and accurate to have
Regarding the suggestion of a line number collumn in the interface, I originally thought it's usefulness is to show user how many files in total are being renamed However another better method to display total files is to display it on the program's Window title /(or and 'Tab' in MP).
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 1621
- Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:05 pm
- Location: UK
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Here are more Important suggestions for 'Batch Rename' continued from previous post
6.) Support for highlighting files in the Batch Rename file list with Mouse selection or Ctrl+up/down keys.
7.) Support for removing items in the Batch Rename file list with support for using the 'DEL' key.
8.) Currently I cannot click on an empty space in the file list to turn off the image preview on non-clicked on file. It just remains showing last image preview until I click on another file.
9.) There should be an option inside the Batch Rename window, to be able to set a text Highlight colors for the file list. So a custom color for both separate the 'old name' and 'new name' columns - I personally require this for the 'new name' collumn. I would like to see the color chooser dialog for this on the Batch Rename window itself perhaps in a 'quick settings' tab OR if not then perhaps as a circle-UI in Settings>File list>file list
10.) If I side-scroll to any position for the file list and then I re-order a file in the file list (up/down) then the side-scroll position gets reset. Please make it so that the side-scroll position does not move position when I do this. this is not a bug but rather a lack of feature.
11.) Yes I would like to right-click on the thumbnail image preview area and select "Disable preview". Then for some greyed out text to say 'Image Preview disabled'. I just don't want to see another image preview and also it would offer safe of mind against any unexpected image-preview problems with super high-resolution images. Please offer this right-click option.
6.) Support for highlighting files in the Batch Rename file list with Mouse selection or Ctrl+up/down keys.
7.) Support for removing items in the Batch Rename file list with support for using the 'DEL' key.
8.) Currently I cannot click on an empty space in the file list to turn off the image preview on non-clicked on file. It just remains showing last image preview until I click on another file.
9.) There should be an option inside the Batch Rename window, to be able to set a text Highlight colors for the file list. So a custom color for both separate the 'old name' and 'new name' columns - I personally require this for the 'new name' collumn. I would like to see the color chooser dialog for this on the Batch Rename window itself perhaps in a 'quick settings' tab OR if not then perhaps as a circle-UI in Settings>File list>file list
10.) If I side-scroll to any position for the file list and then I re-order a file in the file list (up/down) then the side-scroll position gets reset. Please make it so that the side-scroll position does not move position when I do this. this is not a bug but rather a lack of feature.
xnview wrote:budz45 wrote:1.) Option to remove showing of the picture preview in the Batch Rename dialog window. Something as simple as a right-click on the preview to do a 'disable preview' would be nice.
11.) Yes I would like to right-click on the thumbnail image preview area and select "Disable preview". Then for some greyed out text to say 'Image Preview disabled'. I just don't want to see another image preview and also it would offer safe of mind against any unexpected image-preview problems with super high-resolution images. Please offer this right-click option.
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 1621
- Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:05 pm
- Location: UK
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Notice Shelltoys 7.3 batch rename - use of a vertical left Pane.
Hmm.. A left pane and right pane for a rename display...
A mock-up I made last week of the same XnView MP's 'Batch Rename' as tab :
Hmm.. A left pane and right pane for a rename display...
A mock-up I made last week of the same XnView MP's 'Batch Rename' as tab :
- Posts: 8705
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Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Hmm, at first I didn't like the "Batch rename as a tab" at all. But I can see the need for a workflow like this:
1. User browses for image files using XnView.
2. User adds files to the list of input files.
3. User continues browsing.
4. User adds more files to the list of input files.
5. User specifies the rename details
6. User changes the order of the files
7. Finally, user applies the batch rename.
With the current modal dialog, such a workflow is not supported.
Adding a batch rename tab would solve some issues, but what about batch processing? Another tab for batch processing? From my point of view the whole functionaltiy of the XnConvert application should be available and nicely integrated into XnView MP. This would give the user the full flexibility that is currently available in XnConvert's batch processing and renaming. The functionality could be available either as a tab, or as a non-modal dialog. Personally, I'd prefer a non-modal dialog, a tab with functionality on it sounds somehow wrong to me.
Alternative would be an image basket, from what I remember such an image basket has been suggested and discussed before (perhaps our valuable librarian can find links to those discussions). With tagging of images a kind of image basket is offered, but I'm not sure whether tagging is really known and used.
1. User browses for image files using XnView.
2. User adds files to the list of input files.
3. User continues browsing.
4. User adds more files to the list of input files.
5. User specifies the rename details
6. User changes the order of the files
7. Finally, user applies the batch rename.
With the current modal dialog, such a workflow is not supported.
Adding a batch rename tab would solve some issues, but what about batch processing? Another tab for batch processing? From my point of view the whole functionaltiy of the XnConvert application should be available and nicely integrated into XnView MP. This would give the user the full flexibility that is currently available in XnConvert's batch processing and renaming. The functionality could be available either as a tab, or as a non-modal dialog. Personally, I'd prefer a non-modal dialog, a tab with functionality on it sounds somehow wrong to me.
Alternative would be an image basket, from what I remember such an image basket has been suggested and discussed before (perhaps our valuable librarian can find links to those discussions). With tagging of images a kind of image basket is offered, but I'm not sure whether tagging is really known and used.
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:59 am
- Location: Germany
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
would it be possible, to cut some characters with undefined characters (sense) in batch rename? This would be great!
e.g.: PIC123 --> 123
or even better to define that character 4-6 from the original filenames should remain.
Hard to describe in english...
Great software!
Kind regards,
would it be possible, to cut some characters with undefined characters (sense) in batch rename? This would be great!
e.g.: PIC123 --> 123
or even better to define that character 4-6 from the original filenames should remain.
Hard to describe in english...
Great software!
Kind regards,
- Posts: 8705
- Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2003 6:47 pm
- Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
Sounds like the need for a SubString function, where you can specify the start position and the number of characters. In your case it would be SubStr({filename}, 4). I also see a need for this functionality and I'm pretty sure that this has been suggested/wished before. In XnView you have placeholder <Filename Number> which will retrieve the number that is contained in the filename. This might help in your case.surfacecleanerz wrote:Hi,
would it be possible, to cut some characters with undefined characters (sense) in batch rename? This would be great!
e.g.: PIC123 --> 123
or even better to define that character 4-6 from the original filenames should remain.
Hard to describe in english...
Great software!
Kind regards,
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:59 am
- Location: Germany
Re: Ideas for 'Batch rename'
thanks for better describing
I missed that often!
Another version would be like PIC123 -> {c4-6} -> 123
thanks for better describing
I missed that often!
Another version would be like PIC123 -> {c4-6} -> 123