Very nice 3D effect, Yuri!mezich wrote:
I'd prefer one of these newer ones over the previous monochrome version
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
Very nice 3D effect, Yuri!mezich wrote:
Yes, Yuri I like this very much too, much bettermezich wrote:
one color = one icon in different sizesbudz45 wrote:How do you fancy some multicolor on it, just to give it that extra punch IMO?
You are right. This is really good way to focus attention. Thank you.budz45 wrote:you like using a circle 'spotlight' in your recent screenshots
Well some icon files can contain different image pages for the purpose of sizing (e.g. 256x vs 32x of same icon)... but yes 'one color' makes more sense to the user for typical icon files...Was just playing with ideas.mezich wrote: one color = one icon in different sizes
multicolor = multi-icon?
I created these mock-up for both.budz45 wrote:Possibly an icon is needed for both "Theme" and "Web Capture" found in the Browser mode of XnView MP
Orange would be better. Will try.budz45 wrote:Ok, so which color looks for final icon: 'Red' or 'Cyan'
it is compare and early versions of show rgb, shadow/highlightbudz45 wrote: Hmm Yuri, what are these 3 that you have planned:
yes ok why not then could you also then after add it to demopage.mezich wrote:Orange would be better. Will try.budz45 wrote:Ok, so which color looks for final icon: 'Red' or 'Cyan'
In XnView MP you can now change the theme/skin (Qt interface):mezich wrote:what is 'theme'?
Yes I too the same thought just a camera and globe would be just enough, I just added the extra 'download' arrow to further exorcise the point of what the feature is actually doing. Thank you.mezich wrote:web capture - just camera and globe
planned make mezich theme :)budz45 wrote:In XnView MP you can now change the theme/skin (Qt interface):
Yes that would be really nice to do thatmezich wrote:planned make mezich theme
Well, Happy New Year then!mezich wrote:planned make mezich theme
Юрий Мезенцев (mezich) (Turbomilk Blog: [url=]Swift 3D[/url] » [url=]Comments[/url]) wrote:Сам пользуюсь для подобных целей rhino более чем доволен — вектора сложных объектов можно получить и в виде сетки, и в виде контура.
Тут результаты работы над последним проектом —
В swift3d подобное можно сделать?
Really beautiful icons, I am very impressedmezich wrote:
Later will add to demopage. Happy NY people!
But all in good time, no rush...budz45 wrote: So Instead of the dark blue-ish common 'view mode' icons, why not consider Mezich just using the existing gradient-based scheme which is already seen on the "next page"/"prev page", "Multipage/ Start/stop ani" icons of the demopage. So I mean alter color scheme like this: