A: Dialog after changing an image

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A: Dialog after changing an image

Post by GeorgD »

Open an image in view mode. Alter it. Press page up/down. Now a dialog appears. Sorry, but it has to be: I HATE IT in it's new form...

1) The title "Information" is not matching the conent. It does not inform me, but warns (as in v1.8.4) or, even more precisely, asks me something. That's why there is a question mark symbol ;) A better title would be "Save image changes?" so I see in my tasklist what's going on and not something blurry.

2) I can't press "N" for no. This was possible in v1.8.4 and is in nearly all other applications. It's part of good UI. Please make it possible again.

Sorry for the harsh words -- I just was really annoyed by this behaviour as it bugged me several times... /Georg
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Post by ouistiti »

:arrow: Georg

Indeed, such dialogues of confirmation are irritating, but often useful… Undoubtedly, this title is inappropriate !

Here with our experimental French DLLs, we changed for “Modified file!”.

Moreover, the «N» works alright for [Non] because a hot-key is set…

- Aside, I guess that an English DLL is missing still to test the Alphas & ß and also as a first step to another language system, this has been requested and supported already


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Post by helmut »

Uhh, yuck, now I can see this new dialog with "No all" and "Yes all". This is really not a nice dialog design.

At this stage I only have altered one image, so why do we have this "No all" and "Yes all"? What was the original request to introduce this dialog?

If we really need a way to make the confirmation apply for several images, then a checkbox might be a better choice: [x] Apply to all changed images. Sure enough by default it is unchecked.

-> Confirmed.
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Post by helmut »

Various changes have been made and this message box is still under discussion in various other topics. So I close this bug report.
-> Closed