first off all: This is the best tool I've seen and I've tested a view.
While testing I found three Bugs:
1. Adding the zoom function to the Buttons of the MDA the zoom doesn't work right. That meens the zoom does not change the details of the picture (in my case a tif) its only getting bigger.
2. Zooming in a Multi-Page-tif the page that you are watching always changes to the first page. It does not stay the same.
3. Multipage-Tif: Using the next page function works fine. But jumping back to the first page the programm does not recognize when you have reached the frist page and continues with offering the "previous page" option. Klicking ones more on "previous page" meens that when after that you want to change to the following page you have to click two times on "following page" to realy reach the following page.
Concering Multipage-tif I also have an idea how the make the programm easier to use:
When you are watching a file in the full screen mode there is no posibility to change pages.
Adding this function to the context menu or making it possible to add the function to a Button of the phone would help a lot.
Thanks for this Tool!
[bugs V 1.40] Zoom and Multipage tiff
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