Enable caching but disable filling the cache

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Enable caching but disable filling the cache

Post by pic_viewer »

I wonder if I am the only one constantly bothered by this one. I use XnView in two ways:

- start a pic file via the Total Commander to see what it is. This happens in some different directories, like my download folder etc.

- having a library of all my personal digicam pics, use XnView to browse and view these (lots of).

I need the cache (database) only for the thumbnails of case number two. In case number one one there is zero need for a cache behaviour. In fact it just blows up the database with nonsense.

Therefore I don't understand why it is not possible to explicitely tell the database which folders to look for.

To maintain a clean and useful cache is very simple and takes maybe just 5 minutes to program: add an option next to 'Enable caching' called 'Stop fill cache'.

OR change XnViews behaviour so that when I call it via the Total Commander or Windows Explorer by double click on a file to not add this file to the cache.

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Re: Enable caching but disable filling the cache

Post by xnview »

pic_viewer wrote:OR change XnViews behaviour so that when I call it via the Total Commander or Windows Explorer by double click on a file to not add this file to the cache.
You can use option/General/'fullscreen edit' to not start in browser mode
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Post by pic_viewer »

Thanks for pointing out this option (cool!).

But it does not solve the problem. Two examples:

- I open a file via TC in a directory but it is not the one I was looking for. To quickly find the correct one I hit Enter and the Fullscreen edit changes to browser mode. Exactly what I want, but now the cache is filled again with information that I don't want in the cache. I have a really quick computer, so in cases like this caching does not save me valuable time. It works perfectly without.

- From time to time you will use the dir tree in the left pane to navigate to a different directory. There is NO way to avoid loading lots of crap into the cache database when doing this, as you will have to click on several points in the tree to get to the desired destination, and each time you activate an 'unwanted' directory where XnView starts caching 'unwanted' information. I really hate when I click within the tree and XnView starts to cache dozens of subfolders that I have no interest in.

The option 'Stop fill cache' would get rid of all this.
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Post by xnview »

pic_viewer wrote: - I open a file via TC in a directory but it is not the one I was looking for. To quickly find the correct one I hit Enter and the Fullscreen edit changes to browser mode. Exactly what I want, but now the cache is filled again with information that I don't want in the cache. I have a really quick computer, so in cases like this caching does not save me valuable time. It works perfectly without.
Yes as soon as you go to browser, the db is filled
So perhaps a solution like XnViewMP (excluded folder)?
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Post by Clo »

:arrow: Pierre

:) Hello !

• Whether the CD <DIR> command should work from a button in the browser,
this could also help when starting it with no folder (like I do).
- It's faster than to use the Favourites list, and doesn't fill the cache uselessly…
- It could also work from the view mode by opening only the folder of the current image one opened from TC…

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Post by pic_viewer »

This is somehow disappointing for me. Such a simple and useful feature and nobody is interested...well guys, I solved the problem myself. I rebuilt the xnview.db carefully by only adding the paths/folders that need to be in it. Then I set the read-only flag on this file. Fortunately XnView continues with its normal operation, no crash, no problem - and my database stays fully optimized all day.

Setting this flag via the TC is maybe even easier than in XnViews options dialog (I am sure I would have to search half an hour until I find it).

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Post by oops66 »

Yes, I think it's a good idea to have an extra option: "stop to fill the existing thumbnails cache" for leaving the cache as it is.
By this way it will be possible to use the existing thumbnails cache (optimized, so not too big) for some folders, and do not allow the cache filling for some others folders.
But better, maybe a contextual option in the browser mode (tree view) for each folders (right mouse click):
- allow the cache filling for this folder
- allow the cache filling for this folder and sub-folders too
(by default = Do not allow the cache filling).

Or my favorite way, more sophisticated and powerful (~ like Chmod in UNIX):
111 = allow the read write cache (7)
000 = do not allow read write cache (0)
101 = allow the read, do not allow write, allow cache (5)
110 = allow the read and write, but do not allow the cache filling(6)
100 = allow read, but do not allow the write and the cache (4) (* maybe by default)
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Post by bugmenot »

well we don't want too complex -> slow!
a simple exclude (like in many antivirus progs)
or set to 'read only' mode
would be +++good! :mrgreen:
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Black & White list functionality

Post by oops66 »

The easier way is to have a black and a white list functionality for the cache.
A- a White list to do only that: Exclude all exept these folders and subfolders...
B- a black list to do only that: Include all exept these folders and subfolders...

See here:
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