This is the feature I wished for over a year - it's sooo great it's in XnViewMP now. Because I have a lot of really big folders (with thousands of tagged files in it) I never was able to use XnView in other ways than just the image viewer - it crashed when XnView was using 3GB of ram because it was/is loading all thumbs into it.
So I am very happy to see this feature. I hope it will be improved in speed later on, f.e. it could precache some thumbs before and after the actual slider position (~50 thumbs to both sides?), so the user does not recognize the "lazy loading" if he scrolls in small steps up or down.
Additionally a self protection would be cool. XnView could remove loaded thumbs which aren't displayed actually out of the ram - at least when it reaches the critical border of 3GB. This would prevent crashes and data losses.
It is very important that, where possible, lazy loading should distinguish between lazy "creation" and lazy "display". Display of cached thumbnails should always take precedence.
See my post about this topic here and please offer support if you agree.
In summary, there should be at least these settings:
[x] Display thumbs for whole folder (off = lazy)
[x] Create thumbs for whole folder (off = lazy)
[x] In background
Also a thumb daemon would be useful for heavily populated folder trees.