• Today, I received a confirmation from the Belgium about the fate of our member Paul VANSUMSEN a.k.a. “Ouistiti” from who I'd no news since July 2010.
- Unfortunately, Paul is dead on 2010, October 31. RIP.
- It was not easy to get that info because the village where Paul was living in (Énines) has been merged with some others around into a kind of local community.
- Thus, I'd to find the Web page of the main town of that community (Orp-Jauche) from which I sent an email to the registry office of the City Hall. It answered today.
• Paul was divorced, had neither brothers, nor sisters, nor children. AFAIK, his mother -aged 95- was still alive the last year, and lived in a home in the same region, but I've no address…

• Sorry to bring so sad news.
