Ok, but on my machine only one core max out. All others are idling. Is this the normal behavior? I don't hink that the HDD is the bottleneck for this situation.
Sorry for reviving a little old topic, but I have the exact same request. Would you consider adding one file per core converting mode? I found that the current parellelization is quite inefficient. My CPU usage float around 37% when doing BMP->PNG convertion. It's much faster to open four instances and manually seperated the files to four sets. The CPU utilization will reach 100% that way. So I think there are benefits to converting more than one file at a time instead.
Hyper wrote:Sorry for reviving a little old topic, but I have the exact same request. Would you consider adding one file per core converting mode? I found that the current parellelization is quite inefficient. My CPU usage float around 37% when doing BMP->PNG convertion. It's much faster to open four instances and manually seperated the files to four sets. The CPU utilization will reach 100% that way. So I think there are benefits to converting more than one file at a time instead.