Save an image after rotation in TIFF with ASP

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Save an image after rotation in TIFF with ASP

Post by abellos »

Hi i use thi sub for saving image in tiff

Code: Select all

SUB rotazione(gradi)
	Set ctrl = server.createobject("GflAx.GflAx")
	f = session("PercorsoIMG")

	'response.write f
	With ctrl
		.enablelzw= True
		.LoadBitmap f
		.rotate gradi		
		'.SaveformatName = "tiff"	
		.SaveFormat = 5
		.BitmapType = 1 ' binary  <---- error here
		.SaveBitmap f
	end with
	set ctrl=nothing
but the saved file is 3.70 Mb, before save was 20k. I think i must set the comression but in the help of gflax i cannot found this. In the code above the line signed give me error :

Errore di run-time di Microsoft VBScript error '800a01c2'

Numero errato di argomenti o assegnazione di proprietà non valida: 'BitmapType'

/visualizzatoreimg/db.asp, riga 26

how can set bitmaptype? I need save the file in Tiff binary mode and compression FAX G4
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:46 pm

Re: Save an image after rotation in TIFF with ASP

Post by abellos »

I have resolved my problem, but i had to read the source code for find the right method.
The code below

Code: Select all

Set ctrl = server.createobject("GflAx.GflAx")
	f = session("PercorsoIMG")

	'response.write f
	With ctrl
		.enablelzw= True
		.LoadBitmap f
		.rotate gradi			
		.SaveFormat = 5 'AX_TIFF
		.SaveCompression = 6 'AX_G4
		.changeColorDepth 1, 0, 1
		.SaveBitmap f
	end with
	set ctrl=nothing
there are some reference guide update to use gflax, in the zip there aren't all method and property