• Many times, users request some options which are useful in some cases or with some OSs only. Indeed, Pierre can't add a mountain of options in the program, this causes a huge work, especially as long as we'll have the languages as DLLs.
Hence, we get only new options when a major version is released, for really missing features and / or big lacunæ.
- However, there is a simple way allowing to get some options for these special cases. It's to plan a bunch of extra INI variable entries that each user can add by hand following his / her needs.
- Most certainly, Pierre ought add the appropriate codes in the program core, but he's not bound to modify all interfaces in all languages (and I don't know about the UN*X versions, in addition…).
- So, some options could be added for bugfixes and minor changes versions.
- I have proposed such a solution already here and there in various threads. This is heavily used, for instance, in Total Commander, that satisfies the users and the Author who saves Option-pages… You may verify giving a glance to the Tutorial, at the «wincmd.ini» chapter.
- Another user thought to this too in this thread
- This allows also very flexible features. In the aforesaid program, in example, the dirs. names are shown by default within square-brackets in the file-lists (ugly !); there is not any option in the configuration pages to change that, but one can add the line :
in the INI file, just restart the program and the trick is played, the ugly brackets have gone…
- In that way, it could be possible too to improve some existing features, following the user's suggestions. Recently, I requested improvements for the “Grid” display. Other users brought ideas, that have led to a need of several options. Below, what these options could be as extra INI-entries :
;0 —> No labels, 1 —> Displays digits and letters for the “X” and “Y” coordinates (like actually), 2 —> Displays only digits for “X”, and letters for “Y”.
;Colour value, i.e. as hexa : $E9AA28 (little endian) …
;Value in pixels of the side of each cell. IMHO, the grid might have square cells always… Or else, the two values in the order W*H like : GridStepSize=24,48
;0 —>Displays the size set by the previous entry GridStepSize=n…, 1 —> Displays the pixels themselves as a 1*1 grid (if possible as “buttons”, like in Corel 3.0™).
KeepGridFor NextPrevious=1
;1—> Keeps the grid display for the next / previous files, 0 —> Doesn't keep the grid beyond the current file.
- Indeed, the information under each entry here (in small font) should be provided in a document, not in the INI file itself…:P
- For a try, some entries could be written already and commented in the default INI, but personally, I'm not in favour of such a way later…
- We could have means to add easily such entries, without any risk of mistake; a friend here has some good ideas about that, I think he'll explain you.

- Waiting for that, I can say that it's much simpler to add a line (which can be copied / pasted from a document) in the INI than to write a «kind» letter with Word® to your Dear Aunty Agatha (in the hope to inherit of her nice nest egg)

• Another very intersting use for extra INI-entries is to test options for a new feature in the betas and RC versions, this could be fast, and could bring precious indications to Pierre, thus shorten the tests periods, I guess.
Glad to hear your feedback,
