How I can split images automatically?

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How I can split images automatically?

Post by ThunderWarrior »

Hello everybody.

I need split images in several equal parts using the batch process
I need to implement o know the way to do it by myself adding or generating some kind of code to XnView MP.
With 1 or more images I want to say XnView the number of parts taht I want to divide 1 or more images.

Something we can see in this website

In this web I can choose the number of parts that I want Horizontally and Vertically.

Can you help me with this issue please?
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by michel038 »

Don't know if it's possible, I'm using photoscape, freeware ...

[edit : attachment picture removed
It was a screenshot of "Splitter " function in Photoscape software. ]

Then you choose output format (png, jpg...) and output folder for results

You can process many images at a time.
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by ThunderWarrior »

Ohhhh thank you.

I'm going to try with photoscape.

The thing is I need do the crop in batch to multiple images.

Thanks for your post and help.
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by XnTriq »

Welcome to the forum, ThunderWarrior.
ThunderWarrior wrote:The thing is I need do the crop in batch to multiple images.
TileMage Image Splitter has a batch mode.
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by ThunderWarrior »

Thank you for the suggestions. can be posible do a script for this and call a new action. And is a manual here tell you how do it? Or can we suggest to implement in a new versuion of MP?
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by XnTriq »

ThunderWarrior wrote:Or can we suggest to implement in a new versuion of MP?
Please start a new topic in “MP - Suggestions”.
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by michel038 »

You need a batch to split numbers of images each week-end ?
Or just to split many images one shot ?

I used Photoscape to split 20 images in 24 tiles each
I selected the 20 images .
It took about 5 seconds, i got 20 x 24 = 480 tiles ...
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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by ThunderWarrior »

Thanks a lot for your posts.

The thing I need is this everyday a lot of times:

Call 5-10 images from XnView MP and start a batch process about the 5-10 images that allows me:
· Split the image in 4, 9 o 16 images.
· The result images must be created at the source folder I called from.
· The files has to be called by number.

I want to split "example.jpg"
I select the picture and start the XnView Batch Proccess (preferly) o the external application.
If is a external application the pictures may to be added. Not need to call in a browse button or something.
Use the "split" option and sellect the rows and columns of the split.
The file become in several parts called "example_01.jpg", "example_02.jpg", "example_03.jpg", etc.

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Re: How I can split images automatically?

Post by XnTriq »

XnView MP 0.89 beta 1 has been released today. Please give the newly-implemented Split feature a try and post your feedback in “Image Splitter”.