Export for NConvert... outputs incorrect code

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Export for NConvert... outputs incorrect code

Post by cday »

The Export for NConvert... .bat exported for the above settings is:

Code: Select all

nconvert -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 50%%%% 50%%  
The NConvert Help file gives the syntax for Resize as:

Code: Select all

-resize w h      : Scale width-height
              w h can be percent (ex: -resize 100% 200%)
In a batch file the '%' character must be doubled to '%%' to escape the character, so the expected exported code is:

Code: Select all

nconvert -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 50%% 50%%  
Although the code actually exported runs, the syntax is incorrect.
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Re: Export for NConvert... outputs incorrect code

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.