OS: Linux - 64bit
XnView MP doesn't show images from an icns file that are larger than 128x128 pixels. Skipping through the frames it only shows the 128, 32 and 16 square pixels images. But the output of the command line tool icns2png shows me that there's 256 and 512 square pixel images too:
Code: Select all
$ icns2png -l test.icns
Reading icns family from test.icns...
Extracting icons from test.icns...
Icon family size is 367166 bytes (including 8 byte header)
Listing icon elements...
'is32' 16x16 32-bit icon (1024 bytes compressed to 750)
's8mk' 16x16 8-bit mask (256 bytes)
'il32' 32x32 32-bit icon (4096 bytes compressed to 2779)
'l8mk' 32x32 8-bit mask (1024 bytes)
'it32' 128x128 32-bit icon (65536 bytes compressed to 36906)
't8mk' 128x128 8-bit mask (16384 bytes)
'ic08' 256x256 32-bit icon (262144 bytes compressed to 81386)
'ic09' 512x512 32-bit icon (1048576 bytes compressed to 227597)
'icnV' value: 127.199997
9 elements total found in test.icns.