XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

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XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

Post by krzysiu »

In short: XMP source gets saved as IPTC, so XnViewMP can't read this tag, as it's never really saved.

I encountered the following problems:
When I open Metadata>Edit XMP, and when I edit source (also origin, possibly more, I tested with these) it saves it as IPTC (according to exiftool and XnViewMP).

When I reopen Edit XMP source is still here - surely because non-blanked edit box. When I reopen the file tag in Edit XMP is gone. It's still in information window under IPTC-IIM tab and in the Edit IPTC window, in Credits tab.

The problem seems to lie in writing the tags: as I said under XMP edit it saves tag as IPTC. When I use exiftool -xmp:Source=abc it shows in XnViewMP in the XMP tab (for some reason as "photoshop", while it's Dublin Core).

Generally these fields (maybe all?) don't obey limits. I can write tag that's eg. 100 char long - no limit (or some big one) in edit field, but then it gets truncated. I know lengths of some tags, but it would be nice if edit boxes would have max lenght limit, like 32 characters for IPTC:Source (per https://exiftool.org/TagNames/IPTC.html)

Tech info:
XnViewMP 1.7.1, Windows 10, but the same was happening in 1.6.x.
I use direct embedding of metadata in files.
File type is CR2 (raw).
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Re: XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

Post by xnview »

could you send me the source and modified file?
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Re: XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

Post by krzysiu »

Salut! Sure, three files:
test.CR2 - original, with my standard tag (yeah, I know, there's Darwin Core, but still that's more convenientfor me)
test with source.CR2 - file with source set via edit XMP in XnViewMP (in info panel shows as IPTC, in IPTC edit shows up, but not in XMP edit)
test source manual.CR2 - the second file (with IPTC set) this time I used exiftool -xmp:source="barfoo" (-source saves IPTC, so I needed to force XMP by xmp: prefix) - this time it shows in edit XMP window and in info as photoshop data (while source in xmp is part of Dublin Core [aka XMP DC], but I think it was made up by Adobe, so naming seems to be kind of correct)

Take note that I tried to save XMP with XnView using foobar and saved XMP using exiftool with barfoo

Both XnView and
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Sorry for my chaotic explanations. If they couldn't be understood, just tell me, I'll try to explain it again.

Thanks for looking into the case. It's nothing that important, but at first it was confusing for me - it's there one time, then it's gone, but it's there when I try exiftool -source (which later I found out is giving IPTC).

In advance, this particular file contains Polish diacritic characters in Unicode, but saving some XMP fields as IPTC happens in case even totally untagged file. Merci beaucoup in advance :)
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Re: XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.
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Re: XMP edit window saves tags as IPTC and can't read them later

Post by xnview »

This problem is supposed to be fixed in XnView MP 1.8.0. Please check and confirm the bug fix here.