Create - File Listing: CSV with

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Create - File Listing: CSV with

Post by Peter2 »

I used "Create - File Listing" and got for ..
- CSV the separator ":" and for
- TXT a tab as separator

Is this intended?
XnViewMP <Current version> German, XnConvert <Current version>, Win 10
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Re: Create - File Listing: CSV with

Post by michel038 »

These settings are the default settings, yes.

But there are some tips to get other separators :

- Use TXT Format, and set all metadata in the same field (to prevent the use of tabs) , and build it with your own separators.

-If you want XnViewMP to be able to "Open" this file list, use this syntax for example, in a single field :

"{Directory}{Filename With Ext}";{iptc:keywords};{iptc:city}