A fairly simple suggestion (I imagine):
When changing dpi of an image, there are two values (X & Y) to fill in. Why isn't it only one value as default? Most users won't use different X and Y-dpi and, in my opinion, it only makes it confusing. It could be useful to link the X and Y-dpi together in the dialog, so entering one value in ie. X would also appear in Y. Of course, it would be great to turn the "linking" off, so you can adjust it if you need different X and Y dpi.
(This is the principle of a certain commercial image-editing software)
And isn't the correct terminology PPI (pixels per inch), not DPI? I recall that DPI is a measure for the resolution of the printer, and not the image. Not an important thing perhapps...
Linked dpi (ppi)
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
Actually, why not consider to implement the linking into the "resize"-dialog, so that changing DPI can change the size (and vice versa), without changing the actual amount of pixels in the image.
Useful if making an image from the web (or digital camera) printable with a high DPI (200-300 dpi), without resizing it.
Or does this feature already exist? Havent found it.
Useful if making an image from the web (or digital camera) printable with a high DPI (200-300 dpi), without resizing it.
Or does this feature already exist? Havent found it.