standard colour values when changing gamma or contrast etc.

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standard colour values when changing gamma or contrast etc.

Post by surfacecleanerz »

If I change the RGB of an image, I just want to change them in this single image, the most cases. But XNView keeps my settings in mind for the next images, too.
Sure, I'm able to click on Standard, to restore ALL values, but I just want to set the RGB values to their standard value 0, not the settings on the left brightness, contrast, gamma.

I think it would make more sense, if the standard value is used for a new image, instead of using the values of the image before. For the small amount of cases, where this feature is useful, the button "previous values" should be used!

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Re: standard colour values when changing gamma or contrast e

Post by xnview »

surfacecleanerz wrote:If I change the RGB of an image, I just want to change them in this single image, the most cases. But XNView keeps my settings in mind for the next images, too.
Sure, I'm able to click on Standard, to restore ALL values, but I just want to set the RGB values to their standard value 0, not the settings on the left brightness, contrast, gamma.

I think it would make more sense, if the standard value is used for a new image, instead of using the values of the image before. For the small amount of cases, where this feature is useful, the button "previous values" should be used!
Anyone agree to always start dialog with 0 values, and not previous values?
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Post by surfacecleanerz »

I think, this makes more sense, but for the small amount of cases, where it is senseful, to do the same corrections, the previous values button should store them, to easily get this settings. This is senseful, e.g. you have made pictures of an aquarium and every picture has the same blueish colour.

This button should just set the RGB to their values, set for the last file. I think the gamma, brightness and contrast sliders are different for each single file.
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Post by surfacecleanerz »

Box selections for all settings in this window would be cool, so one can test a setting. I know, as it is for all settings (Apply to image). And there should be this selections for every R,G,B, contrast, gamma etc. as it is in Registax!