Multipage File: save the whole file instead of just one page

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Multipage File: save the whole file instead of just one page

Post by Latice »


In XnView 1.82.4, when saving multipage TIFF files (either “File -> Save” or “File -> Save as...”, only the page that is currently displayed on the screen get saved, all the other pages of the multipage TIFF file are not saved (see previous discussion in the thread ... sc&start=0).

As suggested by DB in the above thread, it would be convenient to be able to save the entire multipage TIFF file, not just one page.

Would it be possible to display a choice (radio buttons) in the “save” and “save as...” dialogue boxes to either save the entire file (default) or only the page currently displayed? This would be a much appreciated enhancement for those of us who work extensively with multipage TIFF files.

Thank you for the great piece of software that XnView is :D

P.S.: I am not familiar with XnView handling of multipage file formats other than TIFF (e.g. DCX). If XnView has the same limitation as with multipage TIFF, it might be useful to apply the above enhancement to all multipage file formats handled by XnView.