• A while ago, I started this French thread because the girls and guys who don't know English were deprived of the new Alpha version, also because the bugs reports in the special first “Alpha” section were not possible yet…
- So, on the first page there are bug-reports, in example about the "Import Clipboard" in "View" when starting the programme :
- When the C.B. contains text, the button is enabled, and if you press it you get a crash !
• I groused about the icons one can add now : Pierre didn't think that :
1. The SAME added icons stay for any skin when you change the skin !
2. He didn't plan requests to the designers (yet ?), in order they draw a minimal set of icons to add, matching with their skins, as well as style as for the sizes ! I did, though… I have a distributed skin.
- If you would wish to see by yourself, there is a test-skin available HERE.
- It's not nice and just to test, but you can recognize the icons from the bitmap - they have a number-order (0 –>32), while the *.ico to add have not. That allows to discover some bugs too…:P
• Unfortunately, Pierre didn't get the issue on the moment…:(
- He said that a user keeps the same skin for ever, that indeed is rarely true…
- He plans the ability to rename the (single) default.bar, but we guess that it's not sufficient to change the skin and its matching added icons as one go…
- Paul-Ouistiti and I pointed out that the most average users either don't know to draw icons, or have no time to waste at this when using the programme at work, or both reasons.
- In my last message, the master-phrase as an example is :
• Some weeks ago out the forum, I proposed again -as a temporary solution- to add a second bitmap main2.bmp in all skins (in the same size¦style) to allow the icons adding… waiting to code a nicer¦better feature. Not considered…If you have “WinAmp”, you have skins coming with. But WinAmp doesn't tell you :
«Some parts are missing in all skins, you ought draw them once by yourself, and then you'll get the same in all skins !»
- Currently, Paul-Ouistiti and I propose a file name_skin.bar per skin in each skin-folder, the related icons one can add, and later to resign the bitmaps totally.
- As a workaround, I use *.bat files ( ! ) to change the skins and their appropriate added icons… A pretty mess, since I had to configure each skin, then save the files in the sub-dirs of the skins, including the whole corresponding INI !
What do you think about that lacuna and the proposed solutions ?
• Glad to hear your feed-back, if you wish more details about the messages in that French thread, please just ask for !
XnView 1.90 <x>