A2: Converting... dialog Percentage

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A2: Converting... dialog Percentage

Post by Anika »

The Converting... dialog is implemented in the Alpha version like suggested in:
Converting... dialog improvements

I recognized:
The percentage in the window header is not corretly calculated, p.ex.:

Code: Select all

1500% Converting... 2/30
1500% is 30/2 and not 2/30

For my 30 pictures the processing bar goes three times from empty to full.

Is it necessary to show "71.88 seconds remaining" with this precision while the window is updated only once per picture?
XnView 2.04, 2.13 Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 64bit
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Post by helmut »

1. and 2. work o.k. in Beta1.

3. is still open. Accuracy of less than 1 second really does not make sense.

-> Confirmed.
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Re: A2: Converting... dialog Percentage

Post by marsh »

Anika wrote: 3.
Is it necessary to show "71.88 seconds remaining" with this precision while the window is updated only once per picture?
Fixed. Fractions removed.