Colour Ratings

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Colour Ratings

Post by nightflyer »

Please consider adding also colour ratings, like in Adobe Bridge.
Standard colors are Red Green Blue Yellow Purple.
Number ratings can then all be one color.
This can make easier to use XnView for people who use "big" software and also maybe even use XnView.

Here is quote from the web:

Labeling files in Bridge means assigning a color to their thumbnails as a way to organize files into categories. For example, if you are working on files in production, you can label files with one color to indicate that they need editing, a different color for files that need proofing, and a third color for files that are completed.


Ratings can be assigned to selected files, from zero to five stars. You can use ratings to rank files from best to worst, for example.

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Post by marsh »

Please follow this thread about "cold colour to hot colour" standard.
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Post by nightflyer »

No, I thought about adding a new type of rating (called labels in the quote).
Colors (Red Green Blue Yellow Purple) are standard among different softwares.
Number rating can get now one color for all numbers.
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Post by xnview »

nightflyer wrote:No, I thought about adding a new type of rating (called labels in the quote).
Colors (Red Green Blue Yellow Purple) are standard among different softwares.
Number rating can get now one color for all numbers.
I don't udnerstand, you want to have 2 colors for a file?
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Post by Troken »

nightflyer wrote:No, I thought about adding a new type of rating (called labels in the quote).
Colors (Red Green Blue Yellow Purple) are standard among different softwares.
Number rating can get now one color for all numbers.
I haven't tried out bridge very much, though I use Photoshop daily, but I just thought, wouldn't the suggested feature collide with the current thumbnail colours? (Different colours for different filetypes)
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Post by nightflyer »

The Color rating (or Labels as it is called) is simply used in Bridge, idImager, IMatch and number of other softwares. It will make easier to interoperate or move within them. Also adds "professional touch" to XnView. I put arguments for such Labels in my quote.

Number ratings can be then one color icons (like five shades of gray) with well visible number.

That would not collide with file type color, because it means something different.

Such Label can be round icon next to tag-box, rating and category indicator.

Ratings and Labels are just categories with different operation and support from application. Like, they can be assigned from keyboard shortcut, they are visilbe right on thumbnail, categories are automatically generated for them etc.
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Post by xnview »

nightflyer wrote:The Color rating (or Labels as it is called) is simply used in Bridge, idImager, IMatch and number of other softwares. It will make easier to interoperate or move within them. Also adds "professional touch" to XnView. I put arguments for such Labels in my quote.

Number ratings can be then one color icons (like five shades of gray) with well visible number.

That would not collide with file type color, because it means something different.

Such Label can be round icon next to tag-box, rating and category indicator.

Ratings and Labels are just categories with different operation and support from application. Like, they can be assigned from keyboard shortcut, they are visilbe right on thumbnail, categories are automatically generated for them etc.
Could you make some screenshot, please?
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Post by nightflyer »

This is hand made ugly mockup:

Of course Label and Rating can be square.
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Post by Troken »

nightflyer wrote:Of course Label and Rating can be square.
Oh, I get it, I misunderstood you before. Colour-rating as a symbol.
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Post by Olivier_G »

nightflyer wrote:Labeling files in Bridge means assigning a color to their thumbnails as a way to organize files into categories. For example, if you are working on files in production, you can label files with one color to indicate that they need editing, a different color for files that need proofing, and a third color for files that are completed.
Nightflyer: would this be close to those 'labels':
Olivier_G wrote:You should be able to associate 'behaviours' to Folders, Categories and Searches (such as: colour of border, colour of text, icon showed on thumbnails, etc...)

By using special colors and icons, I will be able to immediately see the corresponding images while browsing (example: by projects, best images, to-do actions, priority, etc...)
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Post by nightflyer »

It is not so complicated. Label is exactly like rating, a kind of quick-category.
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Post by helmut »

In XnView 1.90 b2 we have two ratings: A rating 1-5 and a colour rating. And there are two rating categories listed in the categories tree. And all menu items in "Rating & Colour label" have been doubled.

I know that I have missed part of the discussion and it's pretty late for feedback, but what we have in 1.90 b2 needs discussing because I think it's overcomplicated.

In the previous posts there was some discussion of a colour rating and a label. Currently, I cannot see the difference between the two ratings (they are both coloured and are even named very similar).

Currently I'd strongly vote for one rating, only, unless there is a real need and difference. Things should be kept simple (XnView 1.90 with tags, categories, tabs for properties and other things is more complex than 1.82.4, anyway), with two ratings things are too complicated, I think.
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Post by GeorgD »

Currently, CTRL+5(numpad) adds black 5 on dark blue background => not readable. Please use white font or light blue BG, dependent on the compatibility needs mentioned above.

Moreover, CTRL+2/3/4/5 adds a different color than CTRL+ALT+2/3/4/5. Would be great to have same number => same colour, as I'd not to have to recall two different scales => don't stress my poor brain when no reason exists ;) Thanks! I don't care which scale is used, make it dependent on the compatibility needs mentioned above (I guess CTRL+2 shall behave like CTRL+ALT+2, not the other way around).

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Post by foxyshadis »

I'd agree, pick one set of colors for ratings instead of an identical duplicate feature, or offer the user a set of common color schemes with option to customize, and offer the five as default categories. The "categorical ratings" make no sense when categories and ratings both already exist.

Besides the total confusion here, there's discoverability of ratings. Although the keyboard shortcut is fairly simple, they exist in only one place in the UI, a submenu of the view menu. (Setting tags and ratings does not belong in anything called "view", imho. Some options from different menus would be better consolidated into an "Image" menu.) Basically, ratings needs to be better integrated with categories, being two sides of the same thing, and needs a toolbar button of its own. Either a dedicated rating button the sets and views, or a button to set ratings & categories and a second to pick from them. And they should both show up on the right-click context menu, at least for thumbnails.
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Post by nightflyer »

I have written what is the use of number/colour ratings- you may believe or not, but that is how they are used, and commonly considered very useful by people who use them (not only discuss about them).

I have also written that technically both rating methods are just categories with a bit different operation and presentation. If you see only technical side, there is no reason to create any ratings, because user can create Category "Ratings" and subcategories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 himself. All you lose is quick-assignment method and presentation in Categories tree and thumbnails.