Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

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Gérard 91
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Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by Gérard 91 »

In order to tag new pictures during a shortly planned trip , I would like to use on a laptop/notebook, categories previously created on a desktop computeur with XnViewMP, .
More precisely: I am used to tag only .jpg files, writing métadata inside (*). For raw files, I don't use tag because there is always the same .jpg picture.
Of course, I'll copy on laptop all my "Key word" text files, used in conjunction with category (and also .ipt file prepared for that).

I suppose this file contains, at least, category definition (+ color + rating + ??) and links to involved files.

If I duplicate this file on my laptop, what problem could occur, because of directories and files's structure completely different ?
I don't mind losing links- because no previous file will be on the laptop- but I don't want to corrupt program's files (xnview.ini, thumb.db, xnview.db itself, ..?).

Is there something special to do In case of a possible problem, ?
Is it possible to clean this file (300 Mo at the moment!) in order to keep only category (300 Mo becomes 1 or 2 Ko) ?

It would be nice, if possible, to export and re-import category tree, but it seems impossible at the moment.

Could Pierre or someone else tell me what other type of information can be found in this file ( besides category definition + color + rating + links )... just so that I can feel less dummy. I'am surprised by file's size (could obsolete links be kept?)

Thanks a lot in advance for any pieces of advice

(*) IPTC and Xmp (Rating). I know it would be better not to write in file, but bad past experiences (loss of metadata) with .db, lead me to do so.
I never noticed trouble with Xnview writing in file (more than twenty thousand files).
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by xnview »

Gérard 91 wrote: 1) COPYING XNVIEW.DB
I suppose this file contains, at least, category definition (+ color + rating + ??) and links to involved files.

If I duplicate this file on my laptop, what problem could occur, because of directories and files's structure completely different ?
I don't mind losing links- because no previous file will be on the laptop- but I don't want to corrupt program's files (xnview.ini, thumb.db, xnview.db itself, ..?).

Is there something special to do In case of a possible problem, ?
Is it possible to clean this file (300 Mo at the moment!) in order to keep only category (300 Mo becomes 1 or 2 Ko) ?
If you copy xnview.db or category.db, you need the same sturecture for your photos...
It would be nice, if possible, to export and re-import category tree, but it seems impossible at the moment.
No :(
Could Pierre or someone else tell me what other type of information can be found in this file ( besides category definition + color + rating + links )... just so that I can feel less dummy. I'am surprised by file's size (could obsolete links be kept?)
Some file info, rating & color label, thumbnail

XnViewMP can export/import rating/categories
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by m.Th. »

You have two variants:

Variant 1

Do like this:

1. Copy the XnView.DB somewhere else on the SAME computer. Let's say in C:\Temp

2. Open this database.

a. Go to Tools | Settings | Integration | Paths and for 'Folder for Database' choose 'Custom'. After this click on the "..." button next to it and choose the xnview.db located in c:\Temp
b. Restart the program

At this stage your program uses the db located in c:\temp (as an aside, the program generates an empty thumbs db which is very good in our case)

3. Empty this db

a. Go to Tools | Settings | Database and press 'Delete All'
b. (optionally) Go for a walk. Shoot some photos. :) The deleting stage it may take a while depending of the size of your catalog.
c. (optionally) Press "Optimize..." and check all the options in the dialog which appears.
d. (optionally) Make a tea. :) The optimization phase, since the DB is empty will not take too much.

4. Now Copy your db on the laptop. :)

5. Enjoy!

Variant 2

Wait & pray for Pierre to implement Export/Import for the categories to/from tab-delimited text files in the next version. :)
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -
Gérard 91
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by Gérard 91 »

Hi Pierre,
Many thanks for such a quick answer!
Of course I'm disappointed although I'd guess a bit.

If you copy xnview.db or category.db, you need the same sturecture for your photos...
This is very restrictive, I' am sure you understand.

No (way to export and re-import category tree)
I guess to implement such a process should not be simple. I would be a nice back up
Any possibility in near future to export text file of all categories ?

Of course I suscribe to M.Th's Variant 2 and will pray every evening! :)

Hi M.Th
Also great thanks for both variants (specially the second one!)

Considering more seriously the first one, I wonder if any difference with transfering XnView.DB, as it is, on the second computer and clean it there.
But anyway I'll try your advice in some hours and let you know.

Bien cordialement
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by m.Th. »

Considering more seriously the first one, I wonder if any difference with transfering XnView.DB, as it is, on the second computer and clean it there.
Not too much. But on the first computer you can safely press 'Delete All' since no folder will be transferred on the second computer. That's all.

WRT Variant 2 - you never know what a humble prayer can do. :)
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by m.Th. »

WRT Variant 2 - you never know what a humble prayer can do. :)
I mean: Look at 0.66 :)
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -
Gérard 91
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by Gérard 91 »

Hi M.Th
I've done it : no main trouble at the moment, it seems to do the job!
If a categorie is selected, connected files names are displayed, but of course, without thumbnail.
I have had also to delete some unwanted categories, automatically imported (because of unchecked box ) but nothing important.

But I noticed yesterday a very amazing thing, I didn't before and can't explain.
Xnview.db and thumb.db are both still dated with 20/07/2013 !!! Even if size change (screen save below) :shock: :shock: :shock:

You are joking ! It was not a humble prayer but a very devotee one!!! :D
I downloaded MP.066 and had a quick look at.
It seem that new features are there. Unfortunatly no time to try before I go. But sure I'll do it as soon as possible

Many thanks for your advice tht lead me to test V1 (and sorry for my basic English)
Bien cordialement

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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by m.Th. »

I've done it : no main trouble at the moment, it seems to do the job!
If a categorie is selected, connected files names are displayed, but of course, without thumbnail.
Yes, sure. If you want to get rid of them, you can go to Tools | Settings | Optimize and check the 'Clean orphaned files' and (optionally) 'Clean orphaned folders'.
But I noticed yesterday a very amazing thing, I didn't before and can't explain.
Xnview.db and thumb.db are both still dated with 20/07/2013 !!! Even if size change (screen save below) :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hehehe... This is Windows. :)
It displays the Creation Date in that column. Since the file is the same (only the content was changed) the creation date is the same.


See??? :)

All good things are fixed through prayer. :)

When you'll came back post your feedback and perhaps we'll be here to help you. :)

All the best wishes!

PS: Don't worry about your English. :)
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -
Gérard 91
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Re: Advice to use existing categories on a second computer

Post by Gérard 91 »

Thanks m.Th for your advices all among this forum
Long life to you