- View an image
- Draw a selection rectangle
- Edit->Copy
- Edit->Import clipboard
New image (from clipboard) is corrupted.
Pasting into Windows paint shows the same result.
OTOH, importing a clipboard from Paint -> XnView is correct.
I conclude that XnView has captured the clipboard data incorrectly.
1.93.6B1 - Vista - Clipboard corruption issue
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- XnThusiast
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XP-Pro too !

• I've the same kind of issue with XP-Pro SP1 : Pasting the contain of the clipboard
(a part of an image copied in XnView) I get a pulp of colours like below :

Note : the real image isn't @ the same scale, but it was I copied in a 24 BPP BMP, and pasted on another in GFIE from that.

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- XnThusiast
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Worse !

• Testing that further, I get a system error message telling that the memory can't be "written", then XnView closes.
But the copy is done, and pasted in MS-Paint, leads to that's shown below :

- Hoping you can fix up that, waiting for, I ought downgrade to 1.93.4 which worked OK
(except the 32 BPP copy, but it's not fixed either…).

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Same as Clo
I can confirm the serious bug. I got three corrupted images pasting in PaintShopPro 9 , XnView and mS-Word, also two system error messages.
Here it first tells that the memory "0x85..." can't be "read"…
Then a second message that the memory "0x85..." can't be "written"…
Then XnView closes.
I use WinXP Pro SP2
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The important thing is not to convince, but to incite to think.
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The important thing is not to convince, but to incite to think.
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- XnThusiast
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One more that remains…

• Unfortunately, I ought put a damper on the previous report, because there is a big remaining
with the 32 BPP “Copy¦Paste” function in ß-2 :

• On the image above, one can see that :
1. The transparency is not rendered, the transparent part is black…
2. Worse, the image is broken, hence when pasted in another soft like shown, the part on the right side
of the dashed black line I added might be at the left end, at the point of the red arrow…:(
Note : The grid, the selection and the chequered pattern belong to GFIE.
• To reproduce :
- Copy an entire motif on any 32 BPP PNG,
- Paste it on a *.png 32 BPP in an image editor supporting that format,
i.e. GreenFish Icon Editor Pro (up to 1024×1024 at least…)

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I can reproduce the lack of transparency, but not the split image here.
- I use a 32 BPP screen definition, and that doesn't change when switching to 16 BPP during the Win session.

L'important n'est pas de convaincre, mais de donner à réfléchir.
The important thing is not to convince, but to incite to think.
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The important thing is not to convince, but to incite to think.
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- XnThusiast
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- Location: Bordeaux, France
Like in the French thread…

• Well, like it's reported in the linked French thread, you must boot the PC having the 16 BPP definition
already set in the previous Win session.
• Here, it's always configured as 16 BPP at shut down, thus it's in the right test status when starting…
- If you switch to 16 BPP while the PC booted with 32 BPP, the split image bug can't be reproduced, it seems.

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