[url=http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/changelog.txt]changelog.txt[/url] (17/Jul/2013) wrote:v. 0.5.0
+ added automatic optimization mode
+ added loading support for "half float" format to TIFF
+ added drag folder to load files in batch mode
+ added progress monitoring for jpeg load/save and resize
! superior internal PNG compression. Added 4 compression levels (zlib-9 with heuristics and filters for low setting and zopfli deflate used for the higher settings)
! color quantization to 2 colors now outputs 1 bit images instead of 4 bit (smaller filesize)
! changed transparency settings (added simplify checkbox)
! faster color quantization of images with 16 colors or less (output bit depth controlled by the quantizer itself)
! greatly improved resize/resampling speed
! upgraded to LibTiff 4.0.3
! upgraded to libPNG 1.5.13
! upgraded to OpenJPEG 1.5.1
! allowed loading of PNG with benign errors (such as images with too many IDATs)
* batch settings: keep date date & report size changes options are now preserved
* fixed crashing when loading some JPEG files with invalid EXIF tag length
* fixed PNG plugin with saving of transparent monochrome images
* fixed JPEG error: Exif: Suspicious offset of first IFD value
* fixed a crash when loading TIFF images with a TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION Exif tag
* fixed a crash reading a TIFF with an uncommon 24-bit palettized file
* allowed loading of TIF with missing bitspersample/samplesperpixel/photometric tags
* fixed BigTIFF signature validation
* fixed TIFF plugin truncating metadata tag on loading if type is ASCII and it's value is of variable size (TIFF_VARIABLE)
* fixed loading of Exif with bad thumbnail data or with a bad first offset size
* fixed PSD parser when reading PSD files with corrupted resources
* resize: fixed a NULL-pointer access bug occurring for transparent images with a linear palette
- removed PNG interlacing
- removed Grayscale from Color reduction presets => replaced with Grayscale checkbox in Image adjustments
- removed libMNG, using internal reader instead