Beware: long boring real-time posting...

A. without cache (Options>View>File List>Cache: both unchecked)
-> start in an empty folder: 6.220KB
quite good
-> go/start in a folder with 747 photos (thumbnails:179x179): 62.152KB
I suppose XnView loads all thumbnails of the folder in memory -> I'll have troubles with folders of 5.000 and more. A random access to the Thumbnails actually shown would be much more efficient (+faster when you enter a large folder, +less memory used, -sligthly slower while browsing).
-> switch to another large folder (369 photos): 30.544KB
OK: memory from previous folders is released.
-> back to first folder (747 photos): 62.332KB
-> selecting a photo without preview enabled: no change
OK. But pre-caching the image at this stage could be useful (+stopped if the user switch to another task +continued if the user open the image before the end)
-> selecting a photo with preview: 80.732KB
OK. The whole image is loaded in memory for preview. Shouldn't be reloaded for opening
-> opening photo for viewing (Full Screen): 84.128KB
I don't know what those 4MB are for, but there is another window "PFull" running": it seems that the "full screen" is actually another application launched...
-> going back to browser (double click->image closed): 80.736KB
This "Full Screen add-on" has been closed
-> opening photo (normal viewing): 102.564KB
OK: the image is opened additionaly to independantly manage windows. Checked by choosing another image in browser -> same memory
-> opening another photo (normal viewing): 124.408KB OK, closing image: 102.552KB OK
-> I check by opening several images (normal/full screen) and close all images, back to browser alone: 80.736KB OK
-> Switching Preview off: 80.736KB OK: image is still cached
-> Selecting another image: 62.284KB Cache has been released. I believe it should be kept, as explained before
-> Back to empty folder: 7.632KB
=> Without Cache: no bug detected. I believe that a selective random access to Thumbnails actually shown +precaching selected image (even without preview) would be better. I need to test/check that no additional reading from the disk is made while switching from preview to view.
To be followed soon... hopefully