this is a pretty old bug I thought I reported at some point but apparently have not.
Subject: 0.93: Switching printers lets XNView MP ignore margin settings until restart.
XnView: MP 0.93 64 bit (I don't know when this started, it's been a while)
OS: Windows 64bit
Switching printers lets XNView MP ignore margin settings until restart.
Effect: A document has to be printed with the wrong (because ignored) margins (if Windows is set to use the last used printer as default), then XNView MP has to be restarted. The same printing settings now will print the correct margins again.
To reproduce:
- Print an image with Microsoft Print to PDF (using custom(?) paper size with no margins) -> This one will be ok.
- Print an image using another printer (using default paper size) [Default printer now is Printer] -> That one will be ok, too. (IIRC, will waste paper later if necessary to confirm this)
- Let's say we close XNView now. It doesn't matter, actually. Then we start it again.
- Print an image with Microsoft Print to PDF exactly like we did in 1 [Default printer now is PDF Printer]. -> There will be margins despite the setting (in the preview, too).
- Restart XNView.
- Now it's working again as expected and we could start again.
Expected behaviour: Changing the printer does not let XNView MP ignore the margins