Select a group of pictures and Save As... AVI, MPG?

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Select a group of pictures and Save As... AVI, MPG?

Post by dvip »

Is there a way to select a group of pictures and save them as an AVI? MPG?

It would be great to do that. Everybody has a Media Player
to play AVIs and the pictures can be sent that way.

A big plus would be also to be able to record voice-narration
in the AVI for each picture too.

In the next version?

XnView is great! I love it!
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Post by Dreamer »

You can support this request:

Until then, you can use "EXE", you can send this to anyone and it will be working too, no player/program is needed.

Post by dvip »


Yes, I know about the EXEs but the AVIs and MPGs can
be placed in a webpage, cellphone, portable player...
They can also be combined with other movies...

It would be something new and nice to have!
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Post by fbachofner »

Dreamer wrote:Until then, you can use "EXE", you can send this to anyone and it will be working too, no player/program is needed.
Except of course, that the .exe only works on Windows.

Not Mac, not Linux, etc.

I support the request for .AVI and .MPG and reiterate my request for slideshow to .SWF export too! :-)
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Post by XnTriq »

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Post by Dreamer »

Yes, it would be nice, but again - please add your support HERE:

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Post by XnTriq »

Dreamer wrote:Yes, it would be nice, but again - please add your support HERE:

Sorry, Dreamer. I hadn't seen your previous post. :|
Of course that's the topic where people should go, if they like to support the request for this kind of feature.
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Post by Dreamer »

No problem, this is "General Support" forum and your reply to SWF was good.

BTW Creating the videos from pictures and uploading them to sites like YouTube is very popular these days, so it would be really nice and useful feature.

Edit: I can't see any new post in that topic. :?

Post by xn-fan »

This is a must have for the next XnView!

Nice idea. You can even narrate pictures of a vacation
and send the AVI to a friend... or make tutorials for XnView!

Nice and cool...

How about a fast way to FTP the AVI/MPG to a website or YouTube?

I like this idea, best of all you can view the AVI from anywhere.
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Re: Select a group of pictures and Save As... AVI, MPG?

Post by DOS386 »

dvip wrote:Everybody has a Media Player to play AVIs
NOT true. It's a proprietary product and privacy intruder :-( Plus, "AVI" is the container only, thus your request doesn't really say anything about the codec used / to use.
Perhaps also MPEG2, but I'm not sure if this is possible, if MPEG2 is free...
No flavour of MPEG is free. Just use a free one instead. :wink:
dvip wrote:way to select a group of pictures and save them as an AVI? MPG? It would be great to do that.
But then supoprt free and open source codecs rather than "AVI" please: Theora and Dirac. :wink:
There is indeed no WinZIP under my rock.