Please, don't post bugs or requests in this topic!
You can download XnView MP 1.8.1 here:
Windows x64 ZIP version SHA256: C4CD674B0489AD9FA40C04F74D5EA57B1638F991E1B9D0A34873D2C9F76FD2BC
Windows x64 SETUP version SHA256: 1DCE64F29631928FC3B60AF4A640EE62935B89088C920589B339C6B9AED19C90
Mac x64 DMG version SHA256: 72B9DF8CF83CC6E59561F4A620587F38FAC5BEA4A946A02AE7D1C7CEED75D6E3
Linux x64 TGZ version SHA256: 5CDE8F365FAAB256E988F72575A71BEE4D30B3F7040BD8DED26EABBA447293A8
Linux x64 DEB version SHA256: CE360910E9199874433C48C1245BBFF65AB09A2F04DB651F10BA31A8B35AF366
ARM version: ... _armhf.deb
Linux x64 AppImages version: ... 4.AppImage
Linux Flatpak version:
Changelog 1.8.1:
3388: [New] Edit XMP - Subject code
3384: [New] LibHeif 1.18.2
3358: [New] LibRAW 0.21.2
3356: [New] Placeholder - Create Date and Modify Date - viewtopic.php?t=45441
3354: [New] MediaInfo 24.06
3352: [New] Experimental video info in thumbnail labels - viewtopic.php?t=46642
3349: [New] No drag in folder view setting - viewtopic.php?t=45990
3344: [New] Viewer info - ExifTool fields - viewtopic.php?t=47809
3277: [New] Import and sort - enumerator for input or output folder - viewtopic.php?t=47294
3342: [New] WebP - lossless metadata editing - viewtopic.php?t=47757
3337: [New] Batch convert - XMP action - viewtopic.php?t=47696
3395: [Bug] Windows - White flash at startup - viewtopic.php?t=47927
3394: [Bug] Viewer - move to - tab remains after last file move - viewtopic.php?t=47893
3393: [Bug] Viewer - move to - ignores first time - viewtopic.php?t=47917
3392: [Bug] cbz cbr not shown in viewer mode - viewtopic.php?t=47864
3391: [Bug] Viewer - set dpi not applied to exif
3390: [Bug] Batch convert - XMP
3389: [Bug] View - Adjust - value too high - viewtopic.php?t=47489
3387: [Bug] Contact Sheet - missing icons - viewtopic.php?t=47888
3386: [Bug] Settings - general - reorder copy combobox - viewtopic.php?t=44093
3385: [Bug] Mac - HIF thumbnails not rotated properly - viewtopic.php?t=47261
3383: [Bug] General - fix ESC closing app in single instance mode - viewtopic.php?t=46341
3382: [Bug] StatusBar - viewer - move position/selection to the right - viewtopic.php?t=47051
3381: [Bug] Pictures deleted in viewing mode still displayed in browser - viewtopic.php?t=44540
3380: [Bug] Viewer - incorrect rendering of image with unequal dpi - viewtopic.php?t=46314
3379: [Bug] Viewer - spotlight - scrolling filelist issues - viewtopic.php?t=46395
3378: [Bug] Browser - search - All fields does not search file dates - viewtopic.php?t=47878
3377: [Bug] Viewer - spotlight - few issues - viewtopic.php?t=47659
3376: [Bug] Up down key to navigate into frames - viewtopic.php?t=47373
3375: [Bug] Batch convert - input - few issues with header - viewtopic.php?t=47402
3374: [Bug] Viewer - info - wrong Info for new image - viewtopic.php?t=47301
3373: [Bug] Browser - banner - few issues - viewtopic.php?t=47276
3372: [Bug] History is purged only when Browser tab is opened - viewtopic.php?t=47042
3371: [Bug] View - transparent index visible when zooming - viewtopic.php?t=47020
3370: [Bug] Show source panels - viewtopic.php?t=46965
3369: [Bug] Viewer - cannot rename file with unrecognized extension - viewtopic.php?t=46952
3368: [Bug] Viewer - crash on quit after deletion - viewtopic.php?t=46832
3367: [Bug] Set as Wallpaper - wrong color profile - viewtopic.php?t=47869
3366: [Bug] Viewer - scrollbars - zoomed image moves left - viewtopic.php?t=47842
3365: [Bug] Compare - A/B mode - does not use bg - viewtopic.php?t=47826
3295: [Bug] Part of the image is obscured - viewtopic.php?t=47492
3364: [Bug] Empty tab - menu items enabled - viewtopic.php?t=47859
3363: [Bug] Curves dialog - viewtopic.php?t=47695
3362: [Bug] Browser - thumbnails - paletted images transparency ignored - viewtopic.php?t=47849
3361: [Bug] Viewer - change color depth - 32bit result when converting 8 to 24 - viewtopic.php?t=47848
3360: [Bug] GPS title - viewtopic.php?t=47835
3359: [Bug] Maximum of view tabs - option not working - viewtopic.php?t=45260
3357: [Bug] Viewer - Panes - viewtopic.php?t=46171
3355: [Bug] Viewer - histogram - background state - viewtopic.php?t=46156
3353: [Bug] Categories panel does not update when category from right click menu - viewtopic.php?t=46173
3351: [Bug] ESC and animation file - viewtopic.php?t=45649
3350: [Bug] Use sharpen and animation file - viewtopic.php?t=46857
3348: [Bug] clipaste argument opens without menu and toolbar - viewtopic.php?t=46029
3347: [Bug] Browser Viewer sync - viewtopic.php?t=47844
3346: [Bug] TIFF JPEG Tile - viewtopic.php?t=47847
3345: [Bug] unicode and exr - viewtopic.php?t=47822
3343: [Bug] PSD - viewtopic.php?t=47804
3341: [Bug] JPEGli - medata warning - viewtopic.php?t=47805
3340: [Bug] Linux - jpeg xl support - viewtopic.php?t=46629
3339: [Bug] Double clicking an image while minimized - viewtopic.php?t=47781
3338: [Bug] Auto crop - viewtopic.php?t=47758
3336: [Bug] Edit XMP - photoshop.DateCreated - viewtopic.php?t=47710
3335: [Bug] JPEG-li subsampling - viewtopic.php?t=47719
3334: [Bug] no audio files plyaing in preview - viewtopic.php?t=47716
3333: [Bug] OS2 bmp format - viewtopic.php?t=47721
3332: [Bug] Fullscreen - toolbar not visible - viewtopic.php?t=47711
3331: [Bug] BMP rgb565 - viewtopic.php?t=47706
3330: [Bug] Find similar - delete file doesnt remove from catalog - viewtopic.php?t=47698
3329: [Bug] IPTC - object name renamed Document title - viewtopic.php?t=47649
3328: [Bug] Windows - context menu in windows explorer - viewtopic.php?t=47541
3327: [Bug] Export preview - add JPEG-LI - viewtopic.php?t=47679
3326: [Bug] Film simulation - presets do not completly saved - viewtopic.php?t=47694
3325: [Bug] Viewer - edit menu - selection commands - viewtopic.php?t=47481
3324: [Bug] Import - add default selection to comboboxes - viewtopic.php?t=47684
3323: [Bug] Browser - filelist - details view - Rating, Color label appearance - viewtopic.php?t=47657
3322: [Bug] Open with - configure programs - show path - viewtopic.php?t=47656
3321: [Bug] Viewer order broken when using search - viewtopic.php?t=47691
3320: [Bug] Capture on command line - viewtopic.php?t=47678
3319: [Bug] Linux - creation date time - viewtopic.php?t=47635
3318: [Bug] Fit window to image causes window to be shifted - viewtopic.php?t=47666
3317: [Bug] JPEGLI greyed image - viewtopic.php?t=47682
Changelog 1.8.0:
3304: [New] MDK 0.29.0
3303: [New] LibOpenJPEG 2.5.2
3302: [New] LibJXL 0.10.3
3301: [New] LibHeif 1.17.6
3300: [New] LibWebP 1.4.0
3299: [New] LCMS2 2.16
3298: [New] ZLIB 1.3.1
3313: [New] Quick filter - settings in menu - viewtopic.php?t=46145
3297: [New] auto crop in viewer - viewtopic.php?t=46556
3277: [New] Import and sort - enumerator for input or output folder - viewtopic.php?t=47294
3276: [New] Colour label in preview - viewtopic.php?t=47283
3264: [New] Edit XMP - Country Code - viewtopic.php?t=47275
3316: [Bug] Catalog - no import of sidecar for video files - viewtopic.php?t=47550
3315: [Bug] Browser - filelist - checkbox looks checked at win scale >100% - viewtopic.php?t=47636
3314: [Bug] Enhance color - save preset - viewtopic.php?t=47639
3312: [Bug] CMYK jpeg 2000 - viewtopic.php?t=47629
3311: [Bug] Quick search - shortcut and suggestions - viewtopic.php?t=46325
3310: [Bug] Movies are shown in preview despite - viewtopic.php?t=45760
3309: [Bug] Settings - interface - viewtopic.php?t=46105
3308: [Bug] Linux - continues scrolling files after key released - viewtopic.php?t=40701
3307: [Bug] Batch rename - few issues - viewtopic.php?t=47604
3306: [Bug] Incorrect Display of Face Tag Regions in Portrait HEIC Images - viewtopic.php?t=47577
3305: [Bug] cur - viewtopic.php?t=47589
3296: [Bug] Save as keeps old file open - viewtopic.php?t=47401
3295: [Bug] Part of the image is obscured - viewtopic.php?t=47492
3294: [Bug] Image tab - when going to video file, bad date or filesize - viewtopic.php?t=47540
3293: [Bug] Compare - zoom on images with different size - viewtopic.php?t=47258
3292: [Bug] Export - UI - rearrange controls - viewtopic.php?t=47504
3291: [Bug] Video thumbnails gallery - viewtopic.php?t=47530
3290: [Bug] App UI - menu structure - unify Tag, Rating, Label, Category - viewtopic.php?t=46200
3289: [Bug] F12 not assigned after usin Settings dialog - viewtopic.php?t=47319
3288: [Bug] Viewer - select all with shortcut doesnt enable save selection as - viewtopic.php?t=47477
3287: [Bug] Transparency in thumbnail - viewtopic.php?t=47538
3286: [Bug] Save as - dont use read only attribute - viewtopic.php?t=47484
3285: [Bug] Info html mode - size
3284: [Bug] Opening images fullscreen from Explorer - viewtopic.php?t=41004
3283: [Bug] Batch convert - actions - improve grouping - viewtopic.php?t=47350
3282: [Bug] Rating and label order - viewtopic.php?t=47356
3281: [Bug] Windows - system menu - viewtopic.php?t=47198
3280: [New] Batch convert - windows - prevent suspend mode - viewtopic.php?t=47208
3279: [Bug] Search dialog - tab key and shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=47463
3278: [Bug] Zoom not expanding window for other images - viewtopic.php?t=47331
3275: [Bug] Tagged selected files confirmation - viewtopic.php?t=47414
3274: [Bug] ExifTool panel - expand status - viewtopic.php?t=47409
3273: [Bug] Open long filename - viewtopic.php?t=47249
3272: [Bug] Viewer - Show alpha became disabled - viewtopic.php?t=47376
3271: [Bug] Import and Sort - folder date - viewtopic.php?t=47364
3270: [Bug] Import and sort - wrong folder for videos - viewtopic.php?t=47231
3269: [Bug] Purge doesn't remove all what it should - viewtopic.php?t=47385
3268: [Bug] Viewer - resize canvas - wrong anchor indicator - viewtopic.php?t=47366
3267: [Bug] Edit XMP - Source not written - viewtopic.php?t=47312
3266: [Bug] Batch convert - sort after drag and drop - viewtopic.php?t=47357
3265: [Bug] Settings - context menu - duplicate items - viewtopic.php?t=47342
3263: [Bug] Compare thumbnails showing folders and non image files - viewtopic.php?t=47214
Changelog 1.7.2:
3238: [New] Policy to clean Help menu - viewtopic.php?t=46094
3237: [New] Settings - browser - group items - viewtopic.php?t=47141
3229: [New] JPEGLI - XYB colorspace
3262: [Bug] Video plays even if preview is hidden - viewtopic.php?t=47024
3261: [Bug] HIF thumbnails not rotated properly - viewtopic.php?t=47261
3260: [Bug] Batch convert - jpegli settings - viewtopic.php?t=47235
3259: [Bug] Effects - Equalize, Posterize - few issues - viewtopic.php?t=47227
3258: [Bug] Copying selection puts filename too in clipboard
3257: [Bug] Categories in slideshow - viewtopic.php?t=47228
3256: [Bug] Settings - view - pixel aspect ratio - improve data readability - viewtopic.php?t=47172
3255: [Bug] Import and sort - HEIC with AAE - viewtopic.php?t=46971
3254: [Bug] Settings - metadata - Automatically apply parent category - viewtopic.php?t=47199
3253: [Bug] Sort order for catalog list and sort by path - viewtopic.php?t=47157
3252: [Bug] Rebuild thumbnails - Stop button does not function - viewtopic.php?t=47186
3251: [Bug] Join - mosaic - alignment ignored - viewtopic.php?t=47204
3250: [Bug] Problem to move video files in detail view - viewtopic.php?t=47145
3249: [Bug] Linux - Properties icon in Browser - viewtopic.php?t=47179
3248: [Bug] Remove favorite - viewtopic.php?t=47207
3247: [Bug] Settings - context menu - not saved when moved by drag and drop - viewtopic.php?t=47161
3246: [Bug] Edit Comment focus - viewtopic.php?t=47195
3245: [Bug] JPEGXL - color profile - viewtopic.php?t=47099
3244: [Bug] HEIC EXIF - viewtopic.php?t=47159
3243: [Bug] JPEGXL - read metadata - viewtopic.php?t=47152
3242: [Bug] Viewer - selection - issue with SHIFT - viewtopic.php?t=46893
3241: [Bug] Use color profile causes gif not showing - viewtopic.php?t=47111
3240: [Bug] Open container - shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=47146
3239: [Bug] App unify next previous icon - viewtopic.php?t=47067
3235: [Bug] Settings - shortcuts - improve reassign routine - viewtopic.php?t=47128
3236: [Bug] Viewer - auto zoom - swap fit entries - viewtopic.php?t=47127
3234: [Bug] High zoom quality on image greater than 32000 - viewtopic.php?t=47115
3233: [Bug] CBZ - extract first file - viewtopic.php?t=47090
3232: [Bug] Fit image to desktop - resize window - viewtopic.php?t=47126
3231: [Bug] Fit image to desktop - window size when 150% font scaling - viewtopic.php?t=47126
3230: [Bug] cbz cbr thumbnail and Settings-custom filter - viewtopic.php?t=47090
3228: [Bug] Edit gps - CR2 detail info not updated - viewtopic.php?t=47017
3227: [Bug] Remove shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=47121
3226: [Bug] Draw - pencil - can't move after drawing - viewtopic.php?t=44949
3225: [Bug] Draw - tools - not possible to edit pencil shape params - viewtopic.php?t=47130
3224: [Bug] Context menu - Lock zoom icon is missing - viewtopic.php?t=47129
Changelog 1.7.1:
3221: [New] JPEGLI encoder - viewtopic.php?t=46989
3223: [Bug] Paint - callout list - viewtopic.php?t=47075
3222: [Bug] Change timestamp - no error warning - viewtopic.php?t=47046
3220: [Bug] Thumbnails for cbz cbr - viewtopic.php?t=47090
3219: [Bug] GPS tab remains - viewtopic.php?t=47097
3218: [Bug] Rating canceled - export rating in metadata off - viewtopic.php?t=46976
3217: [Bug] unrar x64
3216: [Bug] Fit window to image - zoom - viewtopic.php?t=47077
3215: [Bug] PNG to PNG - keep extra and pramaeters from stable diffusion
3214: [Bug] Edit IPTC - save template - no extension - viewtopic.php?t=47059
3213: [Bug] Settings - catalog - size limit - viewtopic.php?t=47089
3212: [Bug] 'Fit window to image' when browser not opened - viewtopic.php?t=47095
3211: [Bug] Batch convert with skip option - viewtopic.php?t=47034
3210: [Bug] MWG AppliedToDimensions written incorrectly - viewtopic.php?t=47063
3209: [Bug] Pan & zoom - viewtopic.php?t=47082
3208: [Bug] Draw - Pencil can't be moved - viewtopic.php?t=44949
3207: [Bug] Batch convert - border - viewtopic.php?t=45585
3206: [Bug] Draw - D shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=47002
3205: [Bug] MacOS - save AVIF - viewtopic.php?t=47049
Changelog 1.7.0:
3203: [New] Draw - grid - viewtopic.php?t=46968
3199: [New] Draw - Callout
3195: [New] Draw - pencil - viewtopic.php?t=44949
3191: [New] Batch convert - remove from filelist - viewtopic.php?t=46950
3173: [New] Contat sheet - source folder - viewtopic.php?t=46966
3167: [New] MDK 0.25
3166: [New] Zoom (auto image size) menu - viewtopic.php?t=46886
3141: [New] Max undo steps setting - viewtopic.php?t=46768
3138: [New] Video thumbnail gallery - start frame - viewtopic.php?t=46720
3117: [New] Menu rotate - reshuffle items - viewtopic.php?t=46842
3204: [Bug] Draw - color indicator - viewtopic.php?t=47002
3202: [Bug] Viewer - None 'High zoom quality' still affects image - viewtopic.php?t=45550
3201: [Bug] Compare - companion files not deleted/copied/moved - viewtopic.php?t=46794
3200: [Bug] 'Remove from category' doesnt work on Album
3198: [Bug] MacOS - HIF - viewtopic.php?t=47013
3197: [Bug] Browser - panel - Metadata and Histogram titles do not disappear - viewtopic.php?t=47015
3196: [Bug] MacOS - Fullscreen view does not close properly - viewtopic.php?t=47004
3194: [Bug] Import and sort - create duplicates when AAE file - viewtopic.php?t=46971
3193: [Bug] Save dialog - 2 warning - viewtopic.php?t=46937
3192: [Bug] JPEGXL - EXIF loading - viewtopic.php?t=46992
3190: [Bug] Catalog export - viewtopic.php?t=46994
3189: [Bug] Crop - last used mode - viewtopic.php?t=46319
3188: [Bug] Window is blank when using Restore Layout - viewtopic.php?t=46901
3187: [Bug] Show files in subfolders - sort - viewtopic.php?t=46975
3186: [Bug] Update catalog from files does not delete people from catalog - viewtopic.php?t=46983
3185: [Bug] Settings - language - viewtopic.php?t=46985
3184: [Bug] Import sort - template for subfolder - viewtopic.php?t=46982
3183: [Bug] HEIF thumbnail - viewtopic.php?t=46824
3182: [Bug] Show files in subfolders - viewtopic.php?t=46974
3181: [Bug] F1 shortcut for About - viewtopic.php?t=46953
3180: [Bug] Tag face - remove last entry - viewtopic.php?t=46512
3179: [Bug] Shortcut - zoom - best fit - viewtopic.php?t=46942
3178: [Bug] Compare - context menu - color label, tag - viewtopic.php?t=46916
3177: [Bug] Zoom icon - viewtopic.php?t=45447
3176: [Bug] Tag UnTag - viewtopic.php?t=46917
3175: [Bug] Properties - Column - viewtopic.php?t=46154
3174: [Bug] Face tag plugin - viewtopic.php?t=46508
3172: [Bug] Edit comment dialog - viewtopic.php?t=46963
3171: [Bug] XMP menu entries not translated
3170: [Bug] Dragging file from archive - viewtopic.php?t=43779
3169: [Bug] Fit image to window - viewtopic.php?t=42323
3168: [Bug] Prompt (stable diffusion) information - viewtopic.php?t=45805
3165: [Bug] Edit IPTC - double clic - viewtopic.php?t=46925
3164: [Bug] Adjust menu - viewtopic.php?t=46909
3163: [Bug] 'Rotate image according...' label - viewtopic.php?t=46913
3162: [Bug] Fit window to image - viewtopic.php?t=46750
3161: [Bug] Fullscreen floating view settings - viewtopic.php?t=42929
3160: [Bug] Viewer - statusbar - incorrect cursor XY coordintes on file change - viewtopic.php?t=46353
3159: [Bug] Info window position in full screen - viewtopic.php?t=45173
3158: [Bug] Viewer - crop panel - selection in non image files - viewtopic.php?t=46233
3157: [Bug] Settings - File list - header - viewtopic.php?t=46239
3156: [Bug] Video Thumbnail Gallery naming with dot - viewtopic.php?t=46481
3155: [Bug] Purge doesn't clear LastFilename - viewtopic.php?t=46577
3154: [Bug] Paste ouside - viewtopic.php?t=46287
3153: [Bug] Archive - open with - viewtopic.php?t=45593
3152: [Bug] Face tag - few issues - viewtopic.php?t=46579
3151: [Bug] Import face tag - viewtopic.php?t=46507
3150: [Bug] cateogry sets - & in category button - viewtopic.php?t=46542
3149: [Bug] Settings - Thumbnails - Labels - viewtopic.php?t=46270
3148: [Bug] Face tag plugin - Warning message - viewtopic.php?t=43207
3147: [Bug] CTRL+Wheel doesn't scroll correctly - viewtopic.php?t=45712
3146: [Bug] Settings - interface - mouse - viewtopic.php?t=46243
3145: [Bug] Set as wallpaper - rename Scaled to Stretched - viewtopic.php?t=46359
3144: [Bug] Viewer - context menu - reshuffle items - viewtopic.php?t=46349
3143: [Bug] Viewer - deletion routine - add new single dialog for dirty file - viewtopic.php?t=46781
3142: [Bug] App UI - messageboxes - improve Draw, Catalog dialogs - viewtopic.php?t=46834
3140: [Bug] Settings - interface - unify Filter behaviour - viewtopic.php?t=45979
3139: [Bug] Settings - metadata - sidecar - minor UI adjustments - viewtopic.php?t=46571
3137: [Bug] Capture - client area - viewtopic.php?t=46890
3136: [Bug] Viewer - file menu - Save selection should not be always enabled - viewtopic.php?t=46763
3135: [Bug] Browser - Catalog filter - change titlebar naming - viewtopic.php?t=46836
3134: [Bug] Menu - rotate - viewtopic.php?t=46882
3133: [Bug] Browser - Open - shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=45591
3132: [Bug] Settings - Catalog - Maintenance - viewtopic.php?t=46825
3131: [Bug] Plugin menu - first column too small - viewtopic.php?t=46898
3130: [Bug] View GPS for RAW+XMP - viewtopic.php?t=46859
3129: [Bug] Color depth conversion error and ICC - viewtopic.php?t=46880
3128: [Bug] Dark theme - scrollbar more visible - viewtopic.php?t=44521
3127: [Bug] OpenSSL vunerabilities - viewtopic.php?t=46849
3126: [Bug] Background Remover - viewtopic.php?t=46817
3115: [Bug] uncategorized not respecting match settings - viewtopic.php?t=46592
3125: [Bug] JPEGXL color profile output - viewtopic.php?t=46879
3124: [Bug] BackgroundRemover extract package problem
XnView MP 1.8.1
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45229
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
XnView MP 1.8.1
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45229
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France