Please, don't post bugs or requests in this topic!
You can download XnView MP 1.4.4 here:
Windows x64 ZIP version SHA256: 36F6E5432D20DB62620B180E88811BA5DFC82DC80DE930945B45BA0638B7E3E6
Windows x64 SETUP version SHA256: 396F65E15F711874E7D18004738D240F79E2D1F88E9ACD54B7F05FAF3AA286B1
Mac x64 DMG version SHA256: 3F72F50FAF5A434AE8C218BF017F64ABD75878263D31AC59972A588779EC6125
Linux x64 TGZ version SHA256: DEDAF90E65F3E2CC9F756FEA8C0275052729B2CF101F3A2890BF5E1C10B7ED9D
Linux x64 DEB version SHA256: 66A31DEDB19313BC6E4366886FEF0FB42260CEB3F1BFAFF7F441EC8B29DEAF1E
ARM version: ... _armhf.deb
Linux x64 AppImages version: ... 4.AppImage
Linux Flatpak version:
Changelog 1.4.4:
2702: [New] Option to ignore 'PreservedFileName' in XMP sidecar
2697: [New] Toolbar button for IPTC/XMP template - viewtopic.php?t=43183
2693: [New] Better 'temperature' - viewtopic.php?t=44464
2689: [New] Better 'White Balance'
2686: [New] Join, Contact sheet, Slideshow available in 'view mode'
2683: [New] Edit IPTC/XMP: Place holder use - viewtopic.php?t=44986
2682: [New] FTP: logs & retry - viewtopic.php?t=44985
2679: [New] Edit XMP: keywords support - viewtopic.php?t=44965
2676: [New] Context menu customization - viewtopic.php?t=43831
2672: [New] OpenEXR 3.2
2671: [New] MDK SDK update
2669: [New] ExposureTime - viewtopic.php?t=44911
2666: [New] Batch convert: Inner frame - viewtopic.php?t=44895
2660: [New] Convert: Remove action - viewtopic.php?t=44897
2705: [Bug] {Comment} empty on Compare view - viewtopic.php?t=45091
2704: [Bug] Wrong position for pan tool - viewtopic.php?t=45101
2703: [Bug] ALT+RETURN for properties instead of ALT+ENTER - viewtopic.php?t=45111
2701: [Bug] Windows: Change timestamp & long path - viewtopic.php?t=45102
2700: [Bug] XMP sidecar not imported - viewtopic.php?t=45076
2699: [Bug] 'Save' after 'save as' doesnt use good format - viewtopic.php?t=45082
2698: [Bug] Tooltips color & dark theme - viewtopic.php?t=45041
2696: [Bug] Settings>File list: uniform height - viewtopic.php?t=45034
2695: [Bug] Capture dialog UI - viewtopic.php?t=44788
2694: [Bug] 'Browser - Fullscreen' - Sometimes crash on startup
2692: [Bug] Info bounding rect - viewtopic.php?t=45018
2691: [Bug] New files & filter by Images - viewtopic.php?t=44994
2690: [Bug] Histogram not updated - viewtopic.php?t=45039
2688: [Bug] Shortcut settings - viewtopic.php?t=45053
2687: [Bug] Edit XMP: Missing field - viewtopic.php?t=45049
2685: [Bug] RAW resolution settings
2684: [Bug] Slow when using PhotoLine clipboard
2681: [Bug] Print: margins x 2 for collections/thumbnails - viewtopic.php?t=44999
2680: [Bug] Slideshow & gamma setting - viewtopic.php?t=44990
2678: [Bug] Preview is not displayed when multi-files are selected - viewtopic.php?t=44908
2677: [Bug] IPTC dialog: copy into - viewtopic.php?t=44972
2675: [Bug] Effects: Some effect dont use selection rectangle - viewtopic.php?t=44925
2674: [Bug] Import&sort: moving files - viewtopic.php?t=44736
2673: [Bug] Shadow-Highlight - max values ??on scale - viewtopic.php?t=44937
2670: [Bug] Mono mixer - color button - viewtopic.php?t=44900
2668: [Bug] Palette: Transparent index selection - viewtopic.php?t=44273
2667: [Bug] Slideshow: open sld & font
2665: [Bug] Batch convert: Border - wrong shadow - viewtopic.php?t=44862
2664: [Bug] ALT+C in 'edit mode'
2663: [Bug] Filter parameters - viewtopic.php?t=44903
2662: [Bug] Filter by color label & prev/next file - viewtopic.php?t=44909
2661: [Bug] Convert: Blurred frame has constant effect - viewtopic.php?t=44906
2659: [Bug] Convert: File size ratio - viewtopic.php?t=44653
2658: [Bug] Filter: Crash on group name - viewtopic.php?t=44901
2657: [Bug] Batch convert: Border with 8/32bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44894
2656: [Bug] TC with unicode filename - viewtopic.php?t=44708
2655: [Bug] Duplicate format - viewtopic.php?t=44887
2654: [Bug] Fullscreen & prev/next file & auto image size - viewtopic.php?t=44743
2604: [Bug] Categories pane always enabled - viewtopic.php?t=43384
2653: [Bug] Edit Palette: Text label - viewtopic.php?t=44864
2652: [Bug] Resize: 'Default' doesn't change mode - viewtopic.php?t=44317
2651: [Bug] Edit mode: Info not visible after closing Settings & next/prev - viewtopic.php?t=44423
2650: [Bug] 'Old camera' crash - viewtopic.php?t=44077
2649: [Bug] 'Edit colormap' doesn't mark image as changed - viewtopic.php?t=44273
2648: [Bug] New label icons - viewtopic.php?t=44860
2584: [Bug] Incorrect thumbnail for image with different x/y DPI - viewtopic.php?t=44323
2638: [Bug] Histogram menu on 8bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44794
2647: [Bug] Color labels not restored - viewtopic.php?t=44646
2646: [Bug] Batch convert: Canvas resize, alpha not restored - viewtopic.php?t=44351
2645: [Bug] 180° rotated files are shown in bad orientation when categorized - viewtopic.php?t=44056
Changelog 1.4.3:
2639: [New] Import&Sort: IPTC template - viewtopic.php?t=44624
2635: [New] Effects added with filters dialog - viewtopic.php?t=44772
2634: [New] FTP in edit mode - viewtopic.php?t=44738
2629: [New] Focus on path address - viewtopic.php?t=43123
2625: [New] Color label 1-9 - viewtopic.php?t=44646
2624: [New] XMP:HierarchicalSubject for view>Info - viewtopic.php?t=44480
2620: [New] Create video thumbnails gallery - viewtopic.php?t=44257
2619: [New] Path bar: Select all text when focused - viewtopic.php?t=44613
2616: [New] Categories in detail view - viewtopic.php?t=43439
2611: [New] Batch rename: Message when using companion files - viewtopic.php?t=44729
2603: [New] Drag&drop image from internet browser into XnView's browser - viewtopic.php?t=43268
2600: [New] PNG reading of extra text fields - viewtopic.php?t=44709
2578: [New] Focus on thumbnails view when selecting a bookmark - viewtopic.php?t=41465
2575: [New] Disable ESC on tabs - viewtopic.php?t=43162
2573: [New] LIBHEIF 1.14.2 used to load AVIF
2644: [Bug] XMP labels for Thumbnails - viewtopic.php?t=44846
2643: [Bug] Edit IPTC: XMP are no more readeable
2642: [Bug] Batch convert: Crash on large images - viewtopic.php?t=44821
2638: [Bug] Histogram menu on 8bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44794
2637: [Bug] MacOS: Files copied twice - viewtopic.php?t=44768
2636: [Bug] MacOS: duplicate menu - viewtopic.php?t=44393
2633: [Bug] Display problem on 1bit image - viewtopic.php?t=44787
2632: [Bug] Slideshows ignoring Windows display scaling - viewtopic.php?t=44702
2631: [Bug] Current item after moving files - viewtopic.php?t=43519
2630: [Bug] Batch convert: Border & drop shadow on 32bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44779
2628: [Bug] EXIF support in PNG - viewtopic.php?t=44373
2627: [Bug] Edit mode: Color info disabled after closing Settings - viewtopic.php?t=44423
2626: [Bug] Digitized date/time - viewtopic.php?t=42852
2623: [Bug] View mode: Deleting last file of folder keep tab opened - viewtopic.php?t=44234
2622: [Bug] Batch convert: progress bar - viewtopic.php?t=44409
2621: [Bug] Resize: 'keep ratio' uncheck when selecting % preset - viewtopic.php?t=44317
2618: [Bug] Batch convert: Canvas resize & alpha - viewtopic.php?t=44351
2617: [Bug] Edit mode: Closing clean metadata dialog modifies image - viewtopic.php?t=44782
2615: [Bug] Batch convert - Waves - viewtopic.php?t=44532
2614: [Bug] User filter & remove current - viewtopic.php?t=44492
2613: [Bug] Move subfolder with description - viewtopic.php?t=44415
2612: [Bug] No large icons on new toolbars - viewtopic.php?t=44471
2610: [Bug] Batch convert: Canvas resize use always 'get pixel at' - viewtopic.php?t=44764
2609: [Bug] Offset & 8bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44441
2608: [Bug] Batch convert: Blurred frame & 8bits image - viewtopic.php?t=44445
2607: [Bug] Filter dialog & undo - viewtopic.php?t=44400
2606: [Bug] Filter - 'Unsharp mask' applies to whole image ignoring selection - viewtopic.php?t=44398
2605: [Bug] "File can't be loaded" error inside archive - viewtopic.php?t=43286
2604: [Bug] Categories pane always enabled - viewtopic.php?t=43384
2602: [Bug] Export WebP Percentage GUI Bug -viewtopic.php?t=44749
2601: [Bug] Fullscreen - background turns black when editing Info - viewtopic.php?t=44757
2599: [Bug] Zoom in viewer when retruns from fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=44363
2598: [Bug] Edit Comment & 'use same text' - viewtopic.php?t=44735
2597: [Bug] 'Edit colormap' doesn't update bitmap - viewtopic.php?t=44273
2596: [Bug] Open file from filtered browser - viewtopic.php?t=43182
2595: [Bug] Batch convert - 'Blurred frame' | 'Border' | 'Fantasy' | 'Retro' - viewtopic.php?t=44296
2594: [Bug] Old camera - viewtopic.php?t=44077
2593: [Bug] Vignetting - viewtopic.php?t=44077
2592: [Bug] No ICC used in Replace dialog - viewtopic.php?t=44232
2591: [Bug] Resize: 'keep ratio' must not be visible when longest/shortest - viewtopic.php?t=44312
2590: [Bug] Curves - right click allows to remove control points of other channels - viewtopic.php?t=44316
2589: [Bug] Batch convert - 'Mono mixer' - Colorize does not show default color - viewtopic.php?t=44297
2588: [Bug] Batch convert - crash - 'Rotate' - viewtopic.php?t=44295
2587: [Bug] 'Edit Palettte' - viewtopic.php?t=44273
2586: [Bug] 'Edit Palettte' on 16 colors image shows value for 256 values - viewtopic.php?t=44273
2585: [Bug] Catalog menu items remain enabled when Catalog is disabled - viewtopic.php?t=44267
2584: [Bug] Incorrect thumbnail for image with different x/y DPI - viewtopic.php?t=44323
2583: [Bug] 'Lossless crop' changes file date - viewtopic.php?t=44378
2582: [Bug] Write format settings - viewtopic.php?t=44334
2581: [Bug] Move file to root '..' directory - viewtopic.php?t=44233
2580: [Bug] Cursor position hidden after zooming - viewtopic.php?t=43647
2579: [Bug] Previous/Next file with right button & context menu - viewtopic.php?t=43236
2577: [Bug] Archive & last browsed folder - viewtopic.php?t=43272
2576: [Bug] Print dialog tab order - viewtopic.php?t=43270
2574: [Bug] Rating a jpeg remove ICC profile - viewtopic.php?t=44683
2572: [Bug] EXIF in DNG - viewtopic.php?t=44658
2571: [Bug] Search by format - viewtopic.php?t=44638
2570: [Bug] Batch: end time - viewtopic.php?t=44651
Changelog 1.4.2:
2569: [New] LIBHEIF 1.14.2
2568: [Bug] Linux: Gtk2 theme problem - viewtopic.php?t=44554
2567: [Bug] Start can be slow (OpenGL problem) - viewtopic.php?t=44628
2566: [Bug] Plugin for TC & single instance setting
2545: [Bug] Windows: Clipboard problem at exiting - viewtopic.php?t=44467
2565: [Bug] Slideshow: margin in fixed size
2532: [New] Back/Forward button to browse folder in brower mode - viewtopic.php?t=41352
2564: [Bug] Edit XMP on RAW add empty fields - viewtopic.php?t=44442
2563: [Bug] MacOS: small size for embedded preview for DNG - viewtopic.php?t=44595
2562: [Bug] Video loop when internalPlayer is off - viewtopic.php?t=44425
Changelog 1.4.1:
2560: [New] CMS Black Point Compensation - viewtopic.php?t=44568
2556: [New] WebP - sharp_yuv - viewtopic.php?t=43901
2559: [Bug] SUN Raster RGB
2558: [Bug] Settings>Metadata - viewtopic.php?t=44570
2557: [Bug] Icon snapshot
2555: [Bug] 'aspect pad' crash - viewtopic.php?t=44389
2554: [Bug] AVIF YUV mode - viewtopic.php?t=44522
2553: [Bug] Convert: Canvas resize and percent - viewtopic.php?t=44533
2552: [Bug] Portrait files are shown in landscape orientation when categorized - viewtopic.php?t=44056
2551: [Bug] EXIF (not used) for oriented file in folder's thumbnail
2550: [Bug] Convert: Slow process - viewtopic.php?t=44314
2549: [Bug] GPS: Previous position not removed - viewtopic.php?t=44484
2548: [Bug] Import&Sort: JPG companion of DNG not copied - viewtopic.php?t=43870
2546: [Bug] Color for selected files - viewtopic.php?t=44495
2547: [Bug] Rating icon in toolbar - viewtopic.php?t=44465
2545: [Bug] Windows: Clipboard problem at exiting - viewtopic.php?t=44467
2544: [Bug] Batch convert: date format in log - viewtopic.php?t=44438
2543: [Bug] Browser: Properties not enabled on folder - viewtopic.php?t=44496
2447: [Bug] JPEG lossless rotation & long filename - viewtopic.php?t=43913
2542: [Bug] Companion {ext}.xmp shown - viewtopic.php?t=44482
2513: [Bug] Rename must keep case of companion - viewtopic.php?t=43157
2541: [Bug] Convert: default folder - viewtopic.php?t=44436
2529: [Bug] PSB - viewtopic.php?t=43166
2540: [Bug] IPTC dialog too wide - viewtopic.php?t=44307
Changelog 1.4.0:
2520: [New] Total Commander as internal viewer - viewtopic.php?t=41416
2518: [New] Browser: Shortcut (F6) to cycle between panels - viewtopic.php?t=34478
2515: [New] Batch convert: output formats list - viewtopic.php?t=43231
2511: [New] Rating filter in toolbar instead menu - viewtopic.php?t=43593
2507: [New] forceUtf8ForDescription added - viewtopic.php?t=43636
2505: [New] Convert into WebP - viewtopic.php?t=43277
2504: [New] View mode: Clean metadata - viewtopic.php?t=39153
2503: [New] Settings format's slider - viewtopic.php?t=44013
2502: [New] Settings>General enhance - viewtopic.php?t=44062
2500: [New] Settings>Viewer enhance - viewtopic.php?t=44063
2499: [New] Settings>Browser enhance - viewtopic.php?t=44064
2498: [New] View mode - Filter menu - viewtopic.php?t=44075
2494: [New] Qt 5.15.11
2492: [New] Automatic deskew, smooth - viewtopic.php?t=44156
2477: [New] Sidecar settings - viewtopic.php?t=41270
2537: [Bug] Long line in Exiftool view & copy item - viewtopic.php?t=44277
2536: [Bug] ICC file selector - viewtopic.php?t=44264
2535: [Bug] HLS crash - viewtopic.php?t=44291
2534: [Bug] JPEGXL bad output & memory - viewtopic.php?t=44107
2533: [New] Import&Sort: move option - viewtopic.php?t=41759
2532: [New] Back/Forward button to browse folder in brower mode - viewtopic.php?t=41352
2531: [Bug] .bak created - viewtopic.php?t=43604
2530: [Bug] Rating is set to 0 if file is changed outside - viewtopic.php?t=44215
2529: [Bug] PSB - viewtopic.php?t=43166
2528: [Bug] Rating is shifted after 'batch rename' viewtopic.php?t=43809
2527: [Bug] Offset default value - viewtopic.php?t=44172
2526: [Bug] Thumbnail label color - viewtopic.php?t=44203
2525: [Bug] Menu items not disabled - viewtopic.php?t=44199
2524: [Bug] 'open gps ...' - viewtopic.php?t=44195
2523: [Bug] Histogram menu - viewtopic.php?t=44192
2522: [Bug] Linux: X3F no more supported - viewtopic.php?t=44241
2521: [Bug] Edit mode: 'Open With' doesn't open edited picture
2519: [Bug] extra value in .ini - viewtopic.php?t=44173
2517: [Bug] Different color for selected thumbnails with/without focus
2516: [Bug] Batch convert: Levels doesn't restore correctly values - viewtopic.php?t=44204
2514: [Bug] *nix: Companion & uppercase - viewtopic.php?t=44168
2513: [Bug] Rename must keep case of companion - viewtopic.php?t=43157
2512: [Bug] Archive with wide char filename - viewtopic.php?t=44180
2510: [Bug] Sidecar for movie not loaded - viewtopic.php?t=43341
2509: [Bug] JPEGXL Export to unicode filename - viewtopic.php?t=44177
2508: [Bug] IPTC in RAW format not readed
2506: [Bug] Face Tag: Empty RegionList - viewtopic.php?t=43321
2501: [Bug] Tags clearing after an copy/move to - viewtopic.php?t=44146
2497: [Bug] Batch convert: 'Canvas resize' crash when switching to inch
2496: [Bug] Edit XMP in view mode is not applied - viewtopic.php?t=44160
2495: [Bug] White balance - viewtopic.php?t=44159
2493: [Bug] Settings>Catalog - import crash when aborted - viewtopic.php?t=44133
2491: [Bug] Curves not disabled on empty tab - viewtopic.php?t=44158
2490: [Bug] "Convert into" progress bar not updated - viewtopic.php?t=44068
2489: [Bug] Path selector for relocate - viewtopic.php?t=44135
2488: [Bug] Archive doesn't work - viewtopic.php?t=44049
2487: [Bug] Paint: Draw focus - viewtopic.php?t=44120
2486: [Bug] Paint: Watermark position & windows scaling - viewtopic.php?t=44087
2485: [Bug] Settings>Catalog: Additional \ to path - viewtopic.php?t=44138
2484: [Bug] 'Update files from catalog' always change file date - viewtopic.php?t=44123
2483: [Bug] Edit IPTC: 'Write' enabled for no metadata writable format - viewtopic.php?t=44130
2482: [Bug] Edit IPTC: 'edit history' - viewtopic.php?t=44141
2481: [Bug] Edit XMP: some menu entries missing - viewtopic.php?t=44129
2480: [Bug] Canvas resize: print values - viewtopic.php?t=44057
2479: [Bug] Face Tag - AppliedToDimension - viewtopic.php?t=44024
2478: [Bug] Curve dialog: No update after selecting a preset - viewtopic.php?t=43979
2447: [Bug] JPEG lossless rotation & long filename - viewtopic.php?t=43913
2476: [Bug] Choosing folder in Settings>Integration - viewtopic.php?t=44089
2475: [Bug] 'Save as' & selected formats < 5 in Settings>Formats - viewtopic.php?t=44095
2474: [Bug] Extract Alpha channel - viewtopic.php?t=44076
2473: [Bug] TIFF problem - viewtopic.php?t=44059
2472: [Bug] Default browser tooltip / viewer info - viewtopic.php?t=44066
2471: [Bug] Windows: / in title bar - viewtopic.php?t=44065
2470: [Bug] Search with categories - viewtopic.php?t=44061
2469: [Bug] ALT+Enter in view mode - viewtopic.php?t=44053
2468: [Bug] 'Thumbnails + Filename' & color format - viewtopic.php?t=44054
2467: [Bug] Crash on context menu>Edit toolbar
Changelog 1.3.1:
2466: [New] Convert: File size info
2462: [New] Convert: Ratio pad - viewtopic.php?t=38790
2440: [New] JPEGXL 0.70
2437: [New] LibHEIF 1.13.0
2433: [New] Paint: Position for image watermark
2432: [New] Convert: Blurred frame - viewtopic.php?t=43835
2431: [New] Convert: Color at in Canvas resize - viewtopic.php?t=43750
2465: [Bug] Rating not applied correctly - viewtopic.php?t=44001
2464: [Bug] Settings ui - viewtopic.php?t=44006
2463: [Bug] Settings - viewtopic.php?t=44005
2461: [Bug] Video crash - viewtopic.php?t=43969
2460: [Bug] Return key does not work after 'add text' closed - viewtopic.php?t=44000
2459: [Bug] Menu entries not disabled on Empty tab - viewtopic.php?t=44015
2458: [Bug] Wallpaper dialog: default color - viewtopic.php?t=43998
2457: [Bug] Crash when adding keyword & no files selected (Category filter)
2456: [Bug] 'Edit XMP' doesn't change rating in catalog - viewtopic.php?t=43898
2455: [Bug] Video playing doesn't update progress bar - viewtopic.php?t=43985
2454: [Bug] Rotate color default value - viewtopic.php?t=43972
2453: [Bug] Crash with large JPEG XMP data
2452: [Bug] Strange behavior when extensions list is empty in 'Custom filter' - viewtopic.php?t=43907
2451: [Bug] Resize: 'load default values' - viewtopic.php?t=43955
2450: [Bug] Filter dialog ui - viewtopic.php?t=43942
2449: [Bug] 'Remove alpha channel' always enabled - viewtopic.php?t=43939
2448: [Bug] Language settings ui - viewtopic.php?t=43936
2447: [Bug] JPEG lossless rotation & long filename - viewtopic.php?t=43913
2446: [Bug] Most used format on saving - viewtopic.php?t=43916
2445: [Bug] Lossless HEIC - viewtopic.php?t=43911
2444: [Bug] JPEGXL lossless - viewtopic.php?t=43925
2443: [Bug] JXL/AVIF in archive can't be loaded - viewtopic.php?t=43903
2442: [Bug] Write settings dialog margin - viewtopic.php?t=43918
2441: [Bug] Capture: save filename - viewtopic.php?t=43456
2439: [Bug] Mac: Wheel problem for previous/next file - viewtopic.php?t=43793
2438: [Bug] No lossless backup for .jpeg - viewtopic.php?t=43879
2436: [Bug] Grid & subdivisions > spacing - viewtopic.php?t=43890
2435: [Bug] Crash when cleaning embedded comment
2434: [Bug] Convert: Resize by longest-shortest side & percent - viewtopic.php?t=43866
XnView MP 1.4.4
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45054
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
XnView MP 1.4.4
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:14 am
Re: XnView MP 1.4.4
I downloaded Windows x64 SETUP version (filename: XnViewMP-win-x64.exe), but the SHA-256 that I got is 396f65e15f711874e7d18004738d240f79e2d1f88e9acd54b7f05faf3aa286b1
It is different than the one you posted. Is this file safe?
It is different than the one you posted. Is this file safe?
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45054
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
- Posts: 456
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:37 pm
- Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Re: XnView MP 1.4.4
Merci beaucoup pour la dernière version du programme.
Thank you for your latest program 1.4.4! I am so happy.
Thank you for your latest program 1.4.4! I am so happy.
PC: Intel 8700k + Asus Z370-F + 16 GB RAM G.Skill + Asus RTX 3050 OC + Samsung SSD
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon May 22, 2023 8:50 am
Re: XnView MP 1.4.4
Hi, really thank you for this amazing multiplatform tool. Using it for many years.
Please can you help me with getting .deb / .appimage files of this version 1.4.4 ? Link above leads to latest one 1.4.5
I need to backup this 1.4.4 bcs this is my last one which I will need to stick forever from now. So I want to grab install files now when they are still available.
Im using it many times per day to crop screenshots and quickly add some notes by Draw function. But this new paint gui is making this process much slower so I need to stay with 1.4.4
Mostly Im picking rectangle or arrow and mark something on picture, when it was at bottom, I was able to do it in on one place, quickly adjusting width of line, input text etc. Now is it on different side of my large screen and Im forced to run over it many times per one edit.
I belive this new ui is fine for others so it will not change back but Im using it often so I need better ergonomy.
Please can you help me with getting .deb / .appimage files of this version 1.4.4 ? Link above leads to latest one 1.4.5
I need to backup this 1.4.4 bcs this is my last one which I will need to stick forever from now. So I want to grab install files now when they are still available.
Im using it many times per day to crop screenshots and quickly add some notes by Draw function. But this new paint gui is making this process much slower so I need to stay with 1.4.4
Mostly Im picking rectangle or arrow and mark something on picture, when it was at bottom, I was able to do it in on one place, quickly adjusting width of line, input text etc. Now is it on different side of my large screen and Im forced to run over it many times per one edit.
I belive this new ui is fine for others so it will not change back but Im using it often so I need better ergonomy.
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:14 am
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon May 22, 2023 8:50 am
Re: XnView MP 1.4.4
Ohhh thank you, this is amazing, this care about users. Many bigger projects hasnt archive of previous versions. Thanks a lot.